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(一)八十年代初,我这个刚从大学出来步入文坛的毛头小伙子,举目四望只觉文海茫茫,不知哪儿是岛屿哪儿是彼岸,却不能不鼓闯海踏浪的勇气,去探索和闯荡出一条属于自己的路来。那时的文学期刊特别注重对文学青年的发现和培养,全国各地几乎月月有各种形式的文学作品笔会或研讨会,那也是一座座用时很短功效很大学习写作的课堂,见到的是名编辑名作家,交流的是正活跃正锐气的新作家,让人觉得有股强大的文学巨浪在席卷你推动你前行,不但对自己走创作道路充满信心,连那些正走红的著名作家也亲近而平易,成了老师和朋友。至今回想那些在北京、在烟台、在苏州、在采州、在贵阳花溪、在重庆南山、在成都新繁、在眉山三苏祠的日子,内心便会泛起温馨的芬芳和激动的涟漪,那确实是我文学生涯的一个重要阶段。那些熟悉的或老沉或年轻的面孔,从当年到今天都在中国文坛闪耀着他们应有的光辉,令我又欣悦又满足,即使遥适相望也有一种激励自己勤奋向前的动力。1984年 (A) The early eighties, I just came out into the literature from the University of the feather boy, looked around and feel the vast sea, I do not know where is the island where the other side, but can not go through the courage to sea waves, go Explore and battles a way of their own. Literary journals at that time paid particular attention to the discovery and cultivation of literary youth. Pensions or seminars of various forms of literary works were held in almost all parts of China throughout the country. It was also a classroom with very short learning and writing functions. Is the famous editor-in-chief, is a new writer is active and positive spirit, people think there is a powerful wave of literary literature swept you to promote your progress, not only for their own creative path full of confidence, even those who are popular famous writer Also close and easy, became a teacher and friend. I still remember those fragrant and exciting ripples in Beijing in the days of Yantai, Suzhou, Zhazhou, Huaxi in Guiyang, Nanshan in Chongqing and the new fan in Chengdu. That is indeed an important stage in my literary career. Those familiar or old or young faces, from the current year to the present day, shine their delight in the Chinese literary world, making me joyful and satisfied, even if I am far away from home, there is also a motivation to encourage myself to work diligently . 1984
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 94年12届国际青年时装设计师大奖赛——中国参赛作品 Please download to view, this article does not support online acc
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