注重实效 加快发展——湖北宜城市卫生局重视乡镇卫生院后备干部培养

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为缓解乡镇卫生院领导班子后继乏人的现状,培养一批既有基层卫生工作经验,又有较全面卫生管理知识的跨世纪卫生事业接班人,近两年来,湖北省宜城市卫生局党委将乡镇卫生院后备干部的培养放在基层干部队伍建设的首位,通过点名抽局调训,探索出一条加快后备干部成长过程,培养实用性基层卫生管理人才的有效途径,收到了较好的效果。 一、党委高度重视,采取措施得力 局党委成立了乡镇卫生院后备干部调训工作领导小组,党委书记王长江同志亲任组长,党委成员张全安、许兆国及政工科长、办公室主任为小组成员,具体领导全系统后备干部的培养和调训工作;二是制定了乡镇卫生院后备干部调训实施方案,对调训的指导思想、目的、意义、调训的内容和方法 In order to alleviate the current situation of the lack of succession of the leading groups of township health centers, to train a group of successors of cross-century health undertakings that have both basic health work experience and comprehensive health management knowledge. In the past two years, the party committee of the Yicheng City Health Bureau of Hubei Province will The cultivation of reserve cadres of township health centers was placed first in the building of grassroots cadre ranks, and training was promoted through nominations to explore an effective way to accelerate the growth of reserve cadres and cultivate practical grassroots health management talents, and received good results. I. The Party Committee attached great importance to and took measures. The effective party committee set up a leading group for the training of reserve cadres of township hospitals. Party committee secretary Wang Changjiang took the lead, and party committee members Zhang Quanan, Xu Zhaoguo, and the chief of political work and the office director were members of the group. Lead the training and training of reserve cadres of the whole system; second, formulate plans for the implementation of training for reserve cadres of township hospitals, the guiding ideology, purpose, significance, content and methods of training
维持透析患者中便秘的发病率高 ,远藤、稻本等报告分别为 4 2 %、71% ,而作者观察认为其发病率为6 2 .5%。究其原因与严格的饮食、或水分的控制、利水、服用药物、原发病 (糖
由中国药材 GAP研究促进会、中国自然资源学会天然药物资源专业委员会、江苏省中国科学院植物研究所、中国药科大学中药学院和江苏省中医药研究院共同举办的“我国首期中药材