
来源 :世界建筑导报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dubolzu
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邦多尔海员活动中心位于离马赛不远的海滨小城邦多尔市。该项目用了七年时间建成,主要是由于建造场所不可胜收的美景所致,而不是实际建造工作的困难造成。该处海滨场所奇特的景色意味着要取得建筑许可是一件极其复杂的事情。结果,在项目的选址和更改用途等方面比预计所花的时间要长得多。 里西欧提在该项目的设计中清楚地表达了他对单纯派(又称减少主义—译者注)建筑的批评,尽管吸收了一些对现代运动的建筑师很宝贵的基本原则。但是,邦多尔海员活动中心完全不同于其他所谓单纯派的设计,主要是由于材料和物质之间的差别。里西欧提设计的项目通常使用普通材料,如木材、混凝土、钢铁等,并完全保持材料的原始特征。不管混凝土是否优质平滑,都无关紧要,显露缺陷比掩盖它们更好。无论项目是直接受委托的还是以竞标的形式出现的,里西欧提随时准备对业主的规范作出根本的解决方案。他的建筑毫无附加的虚饰,看上去几乎是反对单纯派建筑的宣言。 The Bandol Seafarers Activity Center is located in the small seaside city of Bandol, not far from Marseille. The project took seven years to complete, mainly due to the invaluable beauty of the construction site, rather than the difficulty of the actual construction work. The peculiar scenery of the waterfront site means that obtaining a building permit is an extremely complicated matter. As a result, it takes much longer than expected to locate and change the use of the project. In the design of the project, Ricciotti clearly expressed his criticism of the pure-minded (also known as reductionist) architecture, although it has absorbed some of the basic principles that are invaluable to architects of the modern movement. However, the Bandol Seafarers Activity Center is completely different from other so-called pure-minded designs, mainly due to the differences between materials and substances. Ricciotti’s projects usually use common materials such as wood, concrete, steel, etc., and completely preserve the original characteristics of the material. Regardless of whether the concrete is smooth or not, it does not matter. It is better to expose defects than to cover them. Regardless of whether the project was directly commissioned or in the form of a bid, Richiout is ready to make fundamental solutions to the owners’ specifications. His building has no additional frills, and it seems to be almost a manifesto against the purely architectural.
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爸爸出差了,  我真的好想他,  妈妈看我嘟着小嘴巴,  就让我给爸爸打电话。  其实我只是在思考:  父亲节该给爸爸送点啥?  给爸爸寄张卡?  给爸爸画幅画?  给爸爸送束花?  哎呀,哎呀,  还没想到送什么,  爸爸就回来啦,  硬硬的大胡子,  把我扎得笑哈哈。
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