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只超声换能器接在示波器,示波器即显示所接受到的超声波波形。通过观察超声波分别在铜和空气中传播相同距离后的幅度。请问超声波在铜和空气中的传播哪个性能好? 答:传播性能是铜比空气好。超声波在生产、生活、科技,特别是军事上有很多应用,而且有相当一部分是源自对动物超声波的模仿。如科学家们,从海豚头部气囊产生振动发射超声波遇到目标后被反射而研制出声纳。模仿蝙蝠的探测方法,提高了雷达的灵敏度和抗干扰能力;还模仿蝙蝠回声定位原理,研制出用于军事的声纳眼镜。夜蛾有一对特殊的听觉器官,可以从很强的背景噪声中分辨出蝙蝠发出的超声波,它身上厚密的绒毛还能吸收蝙蝠发射的超声波,从而在天敌面前处于“隐身”状态。科学家通过把夜蛾身上绒毛状的材料用于飞机、舰船等装备,大大减少了目标被雷达、红外线和超声波发现的概率。动物的一些超声波本领使现代军事装备日新月异。怎么样,有趣吧。 Only the ultrasonic transducer is connected to the oscilloscope, and the oscilloscope displays the received ultrasonic waveform. Observe the amplitude of the ultrasonic waves after they travel the same distance in copper and air, respectively. What is the performance of ultrasound in the propagation of copper and air? A: The performance of copper is better than air. Ultrasound has many applications in production, life, science and technology, especially in military affairs, and a considerable part is derived from the imitation of animal ultrasound. For example, the scientists developed a sonar by vibrating and emitting ultrasonic waves from the head of the dolphins. Imitate the bat’s detection method, improve the radar’s sensitivity and anti-jamming capability; also imitate the principle of bat echolocation, developed for military sonar glasses. The moth has a special pair of auditory organs. It can distinguish the ultrasonic waves emitted by bats from the strong background noise. The thick villi on the body can absorb the ultrasonic waves emitted by the bats, thus being in a “stealth” state before the natural enemies. Scientists have reduced the target’s probability of being detected by radar, infrared, and ultrasound by using fluffy material from the armyworm for aircraft, ships, and other equipment. Some of the animal’s ultrasound capabilities have made modern military equipment fast-changing. How is it, it is fun.
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民营书业咸鱼翻身 2002年12月9日,首届成都图书交易展销会在金牛宾馆拉开帷幕。四川省新闻出版局有关人士透露,这场专为“二渠道”书商举办的交易会开全国先河,在四川也是首
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