十年回顾 成绩显著

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汕头市老促会于1990年4月16日成立,至今将近十年了。十年来,在市委、市政府的领导和省老促会的指导下,经过全体顾问、理事以及县(市)老促会的共同努力,为老区做了一些力所能及的工作,促进了老区的两个文明建设。过去十年是我市各级领导进一步重视老区工作的十年,是我市老区建设取得显著成绩的十年,也是学习各市先进经验,逐步发挥老促会作用的十年。改革开放以来,特别是近十年来,市委、市政府积极贯彻中央、国务院,省委、省政府关于加强扶贫开发、建设老区 Shantou Lao Jian will be established in April 16, 1990, so far nearly a decade. Over the past ten years, under the guidance of the leaders of the municipal party committee and government and the provincial convention for promoting friendship and cooperation, all the advisers and directors and the promotion of county and city conventions have made some efforts within their capabilities and promoted the two A civilized construction. In the past ten years, the leaders at all levels of the city have paid more attention to ten years of work in the old areas. They have made remarkable achievements in the construction of the old areas of our city for the past ten years. They are also ten years in which the advanced experiences in cities and cities are gradually developed and the role of the old society is promoted. Since the reform and opening up, especially in the past ten years, the municipal party committee and municipal government have actively implemented the instructions of the Central Government, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government on strengthening poverty alleviation and development and building the old quarter
吉林省长春市国家税务局把构建先进的税收宣传文化作为推进国税事业发展的重要载体,税收宣传工作不断推陈出新,起到了服务当地经济发展、构建社会主义和谐社会的作用。 Chan
存根联滞留票是指销货方纳税人已进行纳税申报而购货方纳税人超过90天未到税务机关认证抵扣进项税,稽核系统内 Stub joint stranded ticket refers to the sales taxpayers
南宁市地方税务局在推进转变干部作风加强机关行政效能建设活动中,着力提高行政效能,全面提升服务水平,使全系统干部作风、干部素质、机关效能、税务服务 Nanning Local Tax
南京侨龙化工研究所研制的新产品“新氰凝防水堵漏胶及防潮密封剂”已通过江苏省建材工业管理办公室组织的鉴定。它们可用于建筑物防水堵漏 ,例如可用于屋面、墙面、地下室、