把握经济大势 迎接股市发展新阶段

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今年上半年,由于宏观方面利好政策相继传出,5月19H以后市场人气在短时期内出现迅速回升,股市一改去年11月份以来的低迷状态,扶摇直上。上证综指由5月初的1000多点,在短短一个多月时间内,迅速攀升至1700多点,增幅达70%,两市日成交量由40多亿元,迅速放大至800多亿元的 In the first half of this year, due to favorable macroeconomic policies one after another, the market sentiment rapidly rose in a short period of time after May 19H, and the stock market changed its downturn since November last year. In just over a month, the Shanghai Composite Index surged from over 1,000 in early May to over 1,700 points, an increase of 70%. The daily turnover of the two cities increased from over 4 billion yuan to more than 800 billion yuan of
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记不起是从什么时候开始的了,我的下腹老是隐隐作痛,有时在月经期出现,有时平时也痛  我不仅小腹痛,而且老觉得有肛门下坠、小便不适的感觉,最近甚至觉得大小便时疼痛加重  开始的时候,我的小腹疼痛还较轻,不影响工作和睡眠,后来逐渐加重,现在还出现了腰背痛和下肢的疼痛,痛得厉害时要吃止痛药,不能上班  长期的小腹疼痛,使我心情灰暗、焦虑、失眠;严重的性交疼痛,使我们的夫妻生活陷入绝境,真是痛不欲生   
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