The Dreams of a Farmer's Daughter

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WANG Yuling lives in Hekou Township of Kailu County, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. She studied for years and loves reading deeply, but failed the college entrance exam and came back home to be a farmer. Though she gets up early and returns home late, plants in spring and harvests in autumn just like other women do, she is different from them. Her different feelings have led to many dreams and much depression. She has written in her diary: “I am a WANG Yuling lives in Hekou Township of Kailu County, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. She studied for years and loves reading deeply, but failed the college entrance exam and came back home to be a farmer. Though she gets up early and returns home late, plants in spring and harvests in autumn just like other women do, she is different from them. Her different feelings have led to many dreams and much depression. She has written in her diary: ”I am a
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