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建区以来,深圳市福田区国有企业获得了长足的发展,企业总数由1990年的28家发展到1995年的47家,增长67.9%,其中,总资产过亿元的企业有6家,净资产超千万元的企业发展到11家.虽然如此,福田区国有企业发展仍然问题不少,困难重重.一、国有企业发展存在的主要问题1、过度负债、企业发展步履维艰据福田区国有资产管理局最新的清产核资结果显示,全区47家国有企业,大多数是过度负债经营的,其中更有一些已资不抵债,短期借款形成的利息负担使企业发展举步维艰.2、资金变现能力差,资产结构欠合理据我们对36家国有企业(未含清产核资后被撤销的企业及半行政性企业)的综合效益统计显示,福田区大多数企业一方面流动资产不足以支付流动负债,资金变现能力差;另一方面,企业又潜伏着随时有变卖固定资产偿还债务的危险,资产结构欠合理.3、管理效率不高,资金盘活能力低企业在生产销售过程中,呆帐坏帐数额占应收帐款比重是衡量企业管理效率及资金盘活能力高低的一个重要指标.据区国资局清产核资结果显示,企业呆 Since the establishment of the district, state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen Futian District have achieved considerable development. The total number of enterprises has grown from 28 in 1990 to 47 in 1995, an increase of 67.9%, of which 6 companies have total assets of over 100 million yuan. The number of enterprises with assets exceeding 10 million yuan has grown to 11. Despite this, the development of state-owned enterprises in Futian District still has a lot of problems and difficulties. First, the main problems in the development of state-owned enterprises 1. Excessive debt and difficult development of enterprises According to the state-owned assets of Futian District According to the latest clearing and verification results of the Authority, the majority of the 47 state-owned enterprises in the region are over-indebted and some of them are insolvent. The interest burden caused by short-term borrowing has made it difficult for enterprises to develop. Poor, unreasonable asset structure According to our statistics on the comprehensive benefits of the 36 state-owned enterprises (companies and semi-administrative enterprises that have not been eliminated after clearing their nuclear assets), most of the enterprises in Futian District have insufficient current assets to meet their current liabilities. Poor capitalization ability; on the other hand, companies are at risk of selling fixed assets to repay debt at any time, and the asset structure is unreasonable. 3, management efficiency is not high, and funds are being used Low-capacity enterprises in the production and sales process, the amount of bad debts accounted for accounts receivable accounted for the proportion of accounts receivable is an important indicator to measure the efficiency of enterprise management and the level of funds resuscitation ability. According to the results of the district state-owned assets bureau clearing funds, enterprises stay
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