
来源 :高中生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxin_smart
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他生在山民之家,那里根本就没有音乐。12岁时,他跟着父亲出山,看见一个人在拉小提琴……他的心灵被震撼了,回家后,自己用木板和铁丝做出了那玩意儿。他还不知道那是小提琴,不知道音乐,但他认定那是最好听的声音……他说不出来,只是心里明白自己最爱的是什么。因为,他每次做出拉琴的样子时,就魂飞高空,就想大声吼唱山歌。所有人都说他疯了,家里人差点叫神婆用火烧他。15岁,他终于在山外捡来一把小提琴,那是人家扔了不要的 He was born in a mountain home, there is no music at all. When he was 12, he followed his father out of the mountains and saw a man playing the violin ... His heart was shaken, and after he got home, he made that stuff out of planks and wire. He did not know it was a violin, he did not know music, but he thought it was the best thing to hear ... He could not tell it, just knowing what he loved most. Because, every time he made the look of the violin, the soul flying high altitude, wanted to loudly roar folk song. Everyone said he was crazy, my family almost called my deity burned him. At the age of 15, he finally picked up a violin outside the mountain, which was thrown away by others
我们村子的东边有一条小溪,流水潺潺,终年环绕着小村,蜿蜒而行。  流水淙淙,似在欢快歌唱。清澈的溪水,似一块流动的白玉,鱼群在水里尽情地欢娱嬉戏。溪底五颜六色的鹅卵石,是鱼儿捉迷藏的场所。溪中的水草,随波摇曳,似一片青纱帐。微风徐吹,水波荡漾,散开一层层涟漪。水面上倒映的垂柳随风而晃,随水而流,似翩翩起舞的少女,婀娜多姿,神秘而高贵。  小溪的两岸是野花和小草的世界。远远望去,草地似一块绿色的地毯
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天气闷热无比,只有知了断断续续地在树上嘶哑地倾吐着它心中的烦躁。转眼间,乌云翻滚,黑压压的一片,天空顿时暗了许多——要下雨了。 Very hot weather, only to know inter
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