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日常生活中借钱、借物是亲戚朋友间常碰到的事,但若现在有人提出借你的身份用一用,你同意吗?实践中,一些老百姓为了规避买房、买车的政策性规定,悄然兴起一股“借名”之风。“借名”之风的背后,却是多起因为“借名”引发的诉讼纠纷。案例一:朋友借名买车——出借人惹官司柳某与东方公司签订汽车消费信贷买卖合同,根据合同约定,柳某从东方公司处购买别克轿车一辆,柳某首付车款8万元,向银行借款18万余元。2013年,东方公司将柳某告上法庭,诉称:柳某购买车辆后,没有将车辆手续及时返还东方公司办理相关放贷手续,导致银行贷款未能发放,东方公司为其实际代垫车款18万余元。 In the daily life, borrowing money is something that friends and relatives often encounter. However, if someone now proposes to use your identity for one purpose, do you agree? In practice, some people, in order to circumvent the policy of buying houses and buying cars, Quietly raised a “by name ” style. “Borrowed ” Behind the wind, but it is more because “Borrowed ” litigation disputes. Case 1: a friend bought a car by name - the lender to provoke a lawsuit Liumou and the East signed a consumer auto loan contract of sale, according to the contract, Liu from Buying a Buick sedan company Eastern, a down payment of 80,000 yuan Liumou , Borrowed 18 million yuan from banks. In 2013, Dongfang will sue Liu to court, claiming: After Liu acquired the vehicle, he failed to timely return the vehicle formalities to Orient Company for handling the relevant lending procedures, resulting in the failure of bank loans to be paid. 18 million yuan.
The influence of coexisting copper (Cu) ion on the degradation of pesticides pyrethroid cypermethrin and cyhalothrin in soil and photodegradation in water syste
Soil cyanobacterial crusts occur throughout the world, especially in the semiarid and arid regions. It always encounters sand burial, which is an important feat