Characterization of multi-GNSS between-receiver differential code biases using zero and short baseli

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Care should be taken to minimize adverse impact of receiver differential code biases(DCBs) on global navigation satellite system(GNSS)-derived ionospheric parameters. It is therefore of importance to ascertain the intrinsic characteristics of receiver DCBs,preferably in the context of new-generation GNSS. In this contribution, we present a method that enables time-wise retrieval of between-receiver DCBs(BR-DCBs) from dualfrequency, code-only measurements collected by a pair of co-located receivers. This method is applicable to the US GPS as well as to a new set of GNSS constellations including the Chinese Bei Dou, the European Galileo and the Japanese QZSS. With the use of this method, we determine the multi-GNSS BR-DCB time-wise estimates covering a time period of up to 2 years(January 2013–March 2015) with a 30-s time resolution for five receiverpairs(four zero and one short baselines). For the BR-DCB time-wise estimates pertaining to an arbitrary receiver-pair and constellation, we demonstrate their promising intraday stability by means of statistical hypothesis testing. We also find that the Bei Dou BR-DCB daily weighted average(DWA) estimates show a dependence on satellite type, in particular for receiver-pairs of mixed types. Finally, we demonstrate that long-term variability in BR-DCB DWA estimates can be closely associated with hardware temperature variations inside the receivers. Care should be taken to minimize adverse impact of receiver differential code biases (DCBs) on global navigation satellite system (GNSS) -derived ionospheric parameters. It is therefore of importance to ascertain the intrinsic characteristics of the receiver DCBs, preferably in the context of new- generation GNSS. In this contribution, we present a method that enables time-wise retrieval of between-receiver DCBs (BR-DCBs) from dual frequency, code-only measurements collected by a pair of co-located receivers. This method is applicable to the US the GPS as well as to a new set of GNSS constellations including the Chinese Bei Dou, the European Galileo and the Japanese QZSS. With the use of this method, we determine the multi-GNSS BR-DCB time-wise estimates covering a time period of up to 2 years (January 2013-March 2015) with a 30-s time resolution for five receiver pairs (four zero and one short baselines). For the BR-DCB time-wise estimates pertaining to an arbitrary receiver-pair and constellation, w We also find that the Bei Dou BR-DCB daily weighted average (DWA) estimates show a dependence on satellite type, in particular for receiver-pairs of mixed types. Finally, we demonstrate that long-term variability in BR-DCB DWA estimates can be closely associated with the hardware temperature variations inside the receivers.
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