牢记使命干事业 践行职责求作为——贵阳市云岩区人武部开展增强干部事业心责任感教育的做法

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贵阳市云岩区人武部在增强干部事业心责任感教育活动中,紧密结合人武、专武干部的现实思想与工作实际,对症下药,强化了干部事业心责任感。受到了两级军区和贵阳警备区的肯定。一、把握思想脉搏,在析事明理中树立崇高的事业心责任感。一是在全面调查摸底上下功夫。他们采取个别交心、集体谈心、问卷调查等形式。围绕有没有因班子成员变动大,导致思想波动工作滑坡;有没有因放松世界观的改造,导致事业心淡化责任感下降;有没有因好高骛远,导致大事做不来小事不愿做;有没有因不思进取,导致做一天和尚撞一天钟;有没有因革命意志衰退,导致精神空虚四处钻营等现象进行调查摸底。二是在澄清模糊认识上下功夫。针对个别同志的模糊认识,“一班人”及时分析查找了产生这些问题的根源,并进行重点帮带。部长、政委结合自己多年的从军史,带头 Guiyang Yunyan District People’s Armed Forces Department of cadres in enhancing the sense of responsibility and responsibility of education activities, in close connection with the armed forces, armed forces of the reality of thinking and working reality, prescribe the right medicine, and strengthen the cadre’s sense of responsibility. It was affirmed by the two military regions and the Guiyang Garrison Command. First, grasp the pulse of thought, establish a lofty sense of professional responsibility in analyzing the facts. First, make a thorough investigation and make efforts. They take the form of individual heart, collective talk, questionnaire and other forms. Whether there is any change due to the large membership of the team leading to the landslide of ideological fluctuation; whether due to the relaxation of the transformation of the world outlook, which led to a decline in the sense of responsibility for business; whether because of ambitiousness, leading to big events do not do small things do not want to do; Enterprising, leading to a day monk hit a bell; there is no due to the decline of the revolutionary will, leading to the phenomenon of mental emplacement and other investigations thoroughly. Second, make efforts to clarify the vague understanding. For the vague understanding of individual comrades, “a group of people ” timely analysis found the root causes of these problems and carried out the key to help with. Minister, political commissar with his many years of military history, take the lead