根据中央“支持两户、发展两户”的精神,山东省泰安、新泰两市,在山丘贫水区,发展“喷灌服务专业户”,解决农民浇地困难,深受农民欢迎. 一、依靠个体经济,发展了喷灌事业过去搞喷灌,国家投资,群众兴办,发展缓慢,收效不大。为适应农业生产责任制的新形势,1983年泰安市大胡村胡现京个人集资一千元,买一台175型喷灌机组,成立“喷灌服务专业户”.当
According to the spirit of “supporting two households and developing two households” by the Central Government, the two cities of Tai’an and Xintai in Shandong Province have developed “sprinkler service specialists” in the impoverished hills and poor areas and are greatly welcomed by peasants. First, Rely on the individual economy, the development of the sprinkler irrigation sprouting irrigation in the past, the state investment, the masses set up, the slow development, with little success. In order to meet the new situation of responsibility system for agricultural production, Hu Xiancai, an individual in Dahucun, Taian City, raised RMB1,000 in 1983 to buy a 175-type sprinkler unit and set up a “specialized sprinkler irrigation service.”