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一九五零年上半年税务工作,在中央及华东的正确领导与各级政府及全体税收干部的共同努力下,获得很大的成绩。表现在收入小米×亿余斤,完成全年税收任务期成数(×亿×千×百万)的百分之五十点九,必成数的(×亿×千×百万)百分之五十三强。但经华东区税务会议根据中央二届税务会议精神调整的税务任务为×亿斤(必成数)至×亿×千万斤(期成数),下半年任务为×亿斤到×亿×千万斤(编造预算为×亿×千×百万斤):工商业税×亿×千×百×十×万余斤;货物税×亿×千万斤;其他税收×千余万斤,因此很容易产生盲目乐观,认为任务少容易完成的麻木思想;同时在征收方法上与工作作风上存有官僚主义、命令主义及个别干部贪污腐化打骂商人等不良行为,给我税收工作的危害很大,因此 In the first half of 1950, the tax work achieved great success with the joint efforts of the correct leadership of the Central and East China and all levels of government and all tax officials. Expressed in the income of millet × 100 million pounds, the completion of the annual tax tasks into the number of (× 100 million × million × million) of 59.9% Fifty-three strong. However, the tax task adjusted by the East China Tax Conference under the Second Central Tax Conference of the Central Government amounted to 100 million kilograms (bimonthly) to 100 million kilograms Ten thousand jin (making a budget of × 100 million × 1,000 jin): Industrial and commercial tax × 100 million × 1,000 × 100 × 10 × 10,000 jin; goods tax × 10 million × ten thousand jin; other taxes × 10,000 jin, so It is easy to produce the numbness of ideas that are blindly optimistic and think that tasks are easy to accomplish. At the same time, there are bureaucratic methods in the collection methods and work style, and harmful acts of taxation are caused by order doctrines and corruption by some cadres. So big
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【摘要】随着现代信息技术的不断发展,微课以其特有的优势进入到越来越多的学校中参与教学。本文立足于此,重点分析了我国目前各大高职院校英语教学的现状,阐述了微课在高职院校英语教学中的重要作用,并对微课在高职院校英语教学中的应用进行了探讨。  【关键词】微课 高职院校 英语教学  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)29-0125-02  随着飞速发展的互联网