未来农机市场在调整中企稳前进 “十二五”国内农业装备市场基本发展态势展望

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去年是“十二五”计划的开局之年,在国家产业政策的引领和一系列强农惠农富农政策的拉动下,我国农业装备市场持续繁荣增长,农业装备工业也交出了一份令人欣慰的答卷。据中国农机工业协会提供的数据,2011年,我国农机工业总产值实现2898亿元,同比增长33.7%,这一增速比整个机械行业增幅快了8.7%,继续领跑国内机械工业,成为我国工业经济发展最好最快的行业之一。然而,由于2008年爆发的全球金融危机的阴霾依然没有全面消除,当前国际市场正在面临美国持续经济低迷、西方经济恢复乏力、欧债危机继续蔓延以及西亚和北非地区政局动荡等一系列妨碍经济企稳增长的障碍因素,国内市场也面临着CPI、PPI等价格指数居高不下、劳动力人工成本价格高涨、产业结构和产 Last year was the first year of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. Under the guidance of the state industrial policy and a series of policies to support agriculture and rich peasants, the agricultural equipment market in our country continued to grow prosperously and the agricultural equipment industry also surrendered a Comfortable answer sheet. According to the data provided by China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association, in 2011, the total output value of China’s agricultural machinery industry reached 289.8 billion yuan, an increase of 33.7% over the same period of last year. The growth rate was 8.7% faster than the growth rate of the machinery industry. It continued to lead the domestic machinery industry and became China’s industry One of the best and fastest growing industries in the world. However, as the global financial crisis that erupted in 2008 is still not completely eliminated, the current international market is facing a series of obstacles to economic stabilization such as the ongoing downturn in the United States, the weak recovery of the western economy, the continued spread of the European debt crisis and the political instability in West Asia and North Africa. Obstacles to growth, the domestic market is also facing CPI, PPI and other high price index, labor costs and labor costs, industrial structure and production
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