Plant metabolomics for studying the effect of two insecticides on comprehensive constituents of Loni

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Pesticides'overuse and misuse have been reported to induce ingredient variations in herbal medicine,which is now gaining attention in the medicinal field as a form of alternative medicine.To date,available studies on pesticide-induced ingredient variations of herbal medicine are limited only on a few compounds and remain most others unexamined.In this study,a plant meta-bolomics-based strategy was performed to systematically explore the effects of two frequently used ins ecticides on the comprehensive constituents of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos(LJF),the flower buds of Lonicera japonica Thunb..Field trials were designed on a cultivat-ing plot of L.japonica with controls and treatments of imidacloprid(IMI)and compound flonicamid and acetamiprid(CFA).Un-biased metabolite profiling was conducted by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer.After data pretreatment by automatic extraction and screening,a data matrix of metabolite features was submitted for statistical ana-lyses.Consequently,29 metabolic markers,including chlorogenic acids,iridoids and organic acid-glucosides were obtained and char-acterized.The relative quantitative assay was subsequently performed to monitor their variations across flowering developments.This is the first study that systematically explored the insecticide-induced metabolite variations of LJF while taking into account the inher-ent variability of flowering development.The results were beneficial for holistic quality assessment of LJF and significant for guiding scientific use of pesticides in the large-scale cultivation.
目的 分析某耐火材料企业生产过程中职业病危害因素的关键控制点.方法 依据相关国家标准,采用作业场所职业卫生调查、工程分析、职业病危害因素检测等方法,结合劳动者健康状
马帮,是驮马运输队伍的意思。   马是山地运输的工具,在云南则是产于“南诏”(今云南大理一带)的大理马,白族先民们用大理马驮运货物,辅助生产生活,逐步形成了马帮。   根据《蛮书》记载,马帮,在唐初就有白族商人的商业性运输活动,在生产、生活中起到了不可缺少的作用。历史上就有马帮开辟出了一条由蜀道进云南,经印度再到波斯国的中国最早的贸易通道之一的“南方丝绸之路”。在从滇边地经四川到西藏,运输滇边
Lobane-type diterpenoids are not frequently discovered from marine soft corals.In this paper,three new lobane type diterpenes,13-methoxyloba-8,10,15(16),17(18)-
目的 针对韶关市某农村饮水安全工程开展卫生学评价.方法 通过问卷调查、现场卫生学调查、水源卫生学评价、工程综合卫生学评价、水质检测及评价、专家会商等程序,评估饮水工
目的 了解泉州市健康人群、高暴露人群、肺炎患者三类人群军团菌感染状况.方法 对泉州地区三类人群共746份血清标本,采用ELISA法检测嗜肺军团菌1-7型IgM、IgG、IgA抗体,并对