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人生难免别离,离别与爱情儿乎是每个人一生中都会经历的情境。因此历代诗歌中。伤别可以算是与爱情同样古老而又恒新的主题。 作于东汉末年的《古诗十九首》在中国文学史上有着重要的地位。因为它们是五言诗成熟的标志。晚清批评家陈祚明称之为“千古至文”。这些不知名姓的诗人们在动荡飘泊的岁月。拿起笔,抒写他们感时伤逝的未世情绪,笔调温婉细腻,情感缠绵深厚,《行行重行行》尤可称为其中的佳作。 “行行重行行,与君生别离。相去万余里,各在天一涯,道路阻且长,会面安可知?”开篇前三句,是“赋”的写法,明白如口语,仿佛平铺直叙,其实这正是诗的深处所在。诗中暗含着两个典故:“生别离”来自《楚辞·九歌·少司命》,原句是“悲莫悲兮生别离”。行行重行行这一重复的举动,暗示着爱人与自己的距离愈来愈远,而且不可休止,生离的悬挂带给女子莫大的悲痛,电给诗的起调染上了一层浓浓的悲意。“道路阻且长”来自《诗经·蒹葭》。在那首诗里一位男子为了追求自己的至爱,不惜逆流而上 Life is inseparable, parting and love are things that everyone will experience in their lifetime. Therefore in ancient poetry. Injury can be considered as old and constant as the theme of love. The “Nineteen Ancient Poems” written in the late Eastern Han Dynasty has an important position in the history of Chinese literature. Because they are signs of the maturity of the five-character poems. The critic of the late Qing Dynasty, Chen Shaoming, called it “ancient through the ages.” These anonymous poets are in turbulent years. Picking up pens and writing about the feelings of the dead when they feel sad, the gentle and delicate writings, and the emotional lingering feelings, the “Reaffirming of Action” can be called a masterpiece. “Behave again and again, and be separated from the monarchs. When you’re away in a thousand years, each one is at the end of the road, the road is long and the meeting is long, and you can meet and understand the public?” The first three sentences of the opening chapter are the writings of “Fu”. If you understand it as spoken language, it seems to be straightforward. This is actually the depth of poetry. There are two allusions in the poem: “Separate from one’s life” comes from “The Song of the Songs, Nine Songs and Less The Secretary’s Life”. The original sentence is “Sorrowful, Miserable, Miserable, and Divorced.” The repetitive act of walking again and again means that the distance between the lover and himself is getting farther and farther, and it can not be stopped. The suspension of separation brings great grief to the woman, and the electricity changes the tone of the poetry into a thick layer. Sadness. “Road resistance and length” comes from “The Book of Songs.” In the poem, a man pursues his own love and does not hesitate to go upstream
其实他想给她做一台收音机。  那种最简单的收音机,只需要一根天线、一个二极管、一个耳机,后两样都能在市中心的百货商店买到,耳机四毛五,二极管一毛二,拿一根铜线搭到宿舍中间的晾衣铁丝上,或者连到走廊上,那里有一条更粗的铁丝横在栏杆上方,便能成为强大的天线。  可以收到一个信号最强的电台,中央台,如果多花一点钱加一组铜线圈,还能调台,但没有必要。这种灵巧、忠诚的小收音机连电源都不需要,永恒地在播音,下
1.可遇的红蜻蜓  曾经写了歌曲《晚霞中的红蜻蜓》的苏拉,又写了《可遇》。我一直认为,真正能流传下去的诗,是歌词。许多流传下来的唐诗、宋词、元曲,当时就是歌词,再往前推,《诗经》中的诗,也是歌词。所以,当下能真正流传到后世的诗,是现在的一些优秀的流行歌曲的歌词。歌声给这些歌词插上了翅膀,让它们飞向了未来。苏拉是一个词人,为歌者写诗。《晚霞中的红蜻蜓》《可遇》都是苏拉为杨钰莹而写的歌,每当我听着杨钰
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