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延安精神是党中央在延安十三年波澜壮阔的革命斗争实践中培育和形成的宝贵财富,是中国共产党管党治党、从严治党的重大理论与实践成果。随着历史方位的变化,对中国共产党的执政能力有了更严峻的考验,但党要管党、从严治党仍是首要任务和基础性工作。当前,要把为民务实清廉这个共产党人的价值追求深深根植于全党的思想和行动中,切实加强党的先进性和纯洁性建设。党要管党、全面从严治党,是我们党在新形势下进行具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争的根本保证。对此,习近平总书记在2015 The spirit of Yan’an is a valuable asset that the Central Party Central Committee fostered and formed in the magnificent revolutionary struggle practice in Yanan during the thirteen years of its existence. It is also a major theoretical and practical outcome of the CPC in governing the party and strictly administering the party. With the change of historical position, the Chinese Communist Party has a more severe test of the ruling ability. However, it is still the most important task and basic work for the party to control the party and strictly administer the party. At present, we must deeply root in the thinking and actions of the entire party the value pursuit of the pragmatic and honest communist, and earnestly strengthen the building of the party’s advanced nature and purity. To control the party in its entirety and in strict compliance with the party’s rule is the fundamental guarantee for our party to carry out the great struggle with many new historical features under the new situation. In this regard, General Secretary Xi Jinping in 2015
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Members of IGCP 463, Upper Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds: Response to Ocean/Climate Global Change (CORBs) held their second workshop near the Black Sea in Bartin,