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能源与环境是人们越来越关注的问题,而笼形水合物同时在这两方面展示出了巨大的应用前景:(1)在广阔的海底大陆架中蕴藏着大量的以甲烷为主体的笼型水合物——天然气可燃冰;(2)将大气中日益增多的二氧化碳装入笼型水分子中并沉于海底以降减温室效应;(3)氢气可燃冰作为一种清洁的能源载体具有很高的能量密度、可重复再生、可快速充氢;(4)利用笼形水合物的形成过程,可以有效地分离气体、降低能耗、减轻污染.虽然笼形水合物在工程应用以及科学研究中有着重要的价值,但其晶体结构,成键机制,温压相图,热化学与力学稳定性,合成与分解的反应动力学,声学弹性,与海底沉积的反应,以及扩散和输运性质等都有待深入的研究.目前,科学家已经研发或者正在探讨将高压和低温装置与中子衍射技术以及激光光谱、热学测量、超声技术等有机的结合在一起,从而能够进行一系列的实验研究来解决诸多的基本科学问题.高压及低温环境下的中子衍射装置在氢气、甲烷以及二氧化碳气体水合物体系研究中显示了巨大的优势,并且在确定水合物晶体结构,气体分子在水合物笼格中的占据情况,以及气体分子在笼格中的分布状态等方面取得了巨大的进展. Energy and environment are the problems that people pay more and more attention to. Cage hydrates also show great application prospect in these two aspects at the same time: (1) There are a large number of methane-dominated cages in the vast submarine shelf Hydrate - Natural gas Combustible ice; (2) Increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into cage water and sinking to the sea floor to reduce the greenhouse effect; (3) Hydrogen combustible ice has a high energy efficiency as a clean energy carrier (4) The formation of clathrate hydrate can effectively separate gas, reduce energy consumption and reduce pollution.Although clathrate hydrate is used in engineering and scientific research But its crystal structure, bonding mechanism, thermogravimetry, thermo-chemical and mechanical stability, reaction kinetics of synthesis and decomposition, acoustic elasticity, reaction with seabed deposition, as well as diffusion and transport properties Have yet to be further studied.At present, scientists have been developing or are exploring the combination of high pressure and low temperature devices and neutron diffraction and laser spectroscopy, thermal measurement, ultrasonic technology and other organic together, from A series of experimental studies can be conducted to solve many basic scientific problems.The neutron diffraction devices under high pressure and low temperature environment show great advantages in the study of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide gas hydrate systems, and in determining the crystal structure of hydrate , The occupancy of gas molecules in the hydrate cage, and the distribution of gas molecules in the cage have made tremendous progress.
摘要:针对市政道路工程检测时出现的一些检测质量问题,本文简要地提出了提高试验检测工作质量的方法及措施,也阐述了市政道路检测的意义。    关键词:试验检测;市政道路工程;存在问题;方法措施;检测意义  Abstract: According to the municipal road engineering detection of some quality problems of detecti
摘要:我国建筑能耗居能耗前列,同时也是能源消耗增长最为迅速的领域,我们应当树立低碳绿色发展理念,以建筑节能为重点,采用新型节能技术、深入研究和推广应用新型建筑节能材料在建筑工程中具有积极、重要意义。  关键词:建筑工程、节能技术、节能材料  Abstract: China’s building energy consumption is large in the world, but also t
摘要:铁路电力系统在不正常运行状态下,会出现三相电压不平衡或(和)不对称现象。因此,分析其各种电压值及其它相关信息,对正确、及时地处理故障有着积极的现实意义。  关键词:铁路;电力;故障;分析  Abstract: there will be three-phase voltage unbalance or asymmetry when the railway power system not i
摘要:本文通过对四种不同接地方式的比较,阐述了不同接地方式的特点,提出了应结合实际电网结构和发展来选择合理中性点的接地方式。 关键词:中性点; 接地方式  Abstract: Based on the comparison of four different grounding methods, the paper expound the characteristics of different
摘要:随着社会经济的发展和人们对环境质量要求的提高,我国的生活垃圾管理逐步完善,行政管理机构向政企分开、政事分开、精简高效、职能强化的方向发展。传统管理体制下主要依赖直接手段的管理模式,已经向宏观、间接的管理手段为主,直接手段为辅的多元化模式转化。  关键词:城市;生活垃圾;管理  Abstract: With the development of social economy and impro
摘要:本文结合工作实践,对某码头工程钻孔灌注桩施工中容易出现的问题做出了分析,并提出了相应的对策及防治措施,供大家参考。  关键词:钻孔灌注桩;问题分析;防治措施  Abstract: This paper combine the work practice analyzed the problem of bored pile construction in dock project often,
【摘要】 针对地铁工程的安全监理现状进行全面分析,指出施工现场安全监理工作存在的薄弱环节并究其原因,提出相应对策和建议,以指导安全监理工作的有效进行。  【关键词】 地铁工程;监理单位;安全管理  Abstract: this paper analyzed the status quo of the safety supervision in subway project, pointing ou