How ancient Chinese constellations are applied in the city planning? An example on the planning prin

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As the first empire of imperial China,the Qin Dynasty is a crucial period for the establishment of China’s territory,nationality,political system and academic thoughts[1].The planning and construction history of Xianyang,the capital city of the Qin,can be dated from the 12th year of the King of Qin Dynasty,Qinxiaogong(350 BC)to the death of the Second Emperor of Qin(206 BC)spanning a total of144 years.During that time,Xianyang was transformed As the first empire of imperial China, the Qin Dynasty is a crucial period for the establishment of China’s territory, nationality, political system and academic thoughts [1]. Planning and construction history of Xianyang, the capital city of the Qin, can be dated from the 12th year of the King of Qin Dynasty, Qinxiaogong (350 BC) to the death of the Second Emperor of Qin (206 BC) spanning a total of144 years. Drawing that time, Xianyang was transformed
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