
来源 :浙江预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:toerrisme
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随着铅工业技术的改进及劳动保护法的完善与实施,工业性铅中毒已日渐减少。但在边远的山区与农村,仍可出现加工锡壶、锡箔个体工人铅中毒与用锡壶(含铅)盛酒、储酒所引起的生活性铅中毒。现报告3例如下。例1:患者女性,24岁,农民,于1994年10月15日入院。一月前因引产后在家调养,用锡壶热酒,每天数两,3周后突然出现脐周、上腹部阵发性剧痛伴恶心呕吐。在当地诊所治疗,具体诊断不明,半天后症状缓解。入院前2天无诱因症状再发伴头晕、腹胀、纳差、便秘等在当地治疗无效来院。体检:急性痛苦面容,体温37.5℃,脉博80次/分,患压18/10kPa,面色苍白,巩膜无黄染,上、下齿龈缘可见灰蓝色铅线,心肺检查正常,腹平软,脐周轻压痛,无反跳痛。化验:血常规:Hb 95 With the improvement of the lead industry technology and the improvement and implementation of the Labor Protection Law, industrial lead poisoning has been declining. However, in remote mountainous areas and rural areas, lead poisoning of tin pots and individual tinfoil workers and live lead poisoning caused by the use of tin kettles (containing lead) and wine storage may still occur. The following three reports are as follows. Example 1: Female patient, 24 years old, farmer, admitted to hospital on October 15, 1994. A month ago after labor induction at home, with tin pot hot wine, a few days a few two or three weeks after the sudden emergence of the umbilical cord, paroxysmal abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting. In the local clinic treatment, the specific diagnosis is unknown, half a day after the symptoms ease. 2 days before admission, no incentive to recapitulate symptoms associated with dizziness, abdominal distension, anorexia, constipation and other ineffective in the local hospital. Physical examination: acute pain face, body temperature 37.5 ℃, pulse Bo 80 / min, pressure 18 / 10kPa, pale, scleral no yellow dye, upper and lower teeth gingival margin visible gray blue lead, normal heart and lung examination, abdominal soft , Umbilical tenderness, no rebound tenderness. Laboratory: Blood: Hb 95
本文以测量电力系统有功功率为核心,应用MSP430AFE253 作为实现手段,设计高精度交流电力有功功率测量装置.通过数据采样、存储、脉冲计数来测量相应测量数值,并以MSP430AFE25
本文以面向较复杂控制对象的常规仪器为应用背景,在不增加其软件、硬件资源的条件下,借助虚拟仪器的控制工具箱的强大功能提高常规仪器的控制能力.文中利用LabVIEW 的PID 智