Identifying subassemblies and understanding their functions during a design review in immersive and

来源 :工程管理前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong447
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Design review (DR) is a product development(PD) activity used to inspect the technical characteristics of a design solution.Immersive virtual reality (IVR)technology enables the presentation of spatial information and interaction with 3D CAD models inside an immersive virtual environment (IVE).Such capabilities have shown the potential to mitigate the cognitive load needed for the visual perception of spatial information and,consequently,enhance design understanding and DR performance.Thus,an increasing number of studies have explored the effect of IVR technology on DR activities in different domains.However,determining when the implementation of IVR technology rather than a conventional user interface for DRs in mechanical engineering PD projects will be beneficial remains unclear.Hence,a conceptual DR experimental study was conducted to investigate the differences in the ability of engineering students to identify mechanisms and understand their functions when a design solution for a technical system is presented in an IVE by IVR technology and in a non-immersive virtual environ-ment (nIVE) by a conventional user interface (monitor display,keyboard,and mouse).Data were collected by performing DR tasks and having participants complete a prior experience questionnaire,presence questionnaire,and mental rotations test.Findings of the study indicate that IVR does not support an enhanced ability of engineering students to identify mechanisms and under-stand their functions compared with a conventional user interface.
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对基坑开挖过程中的实测数据分析是研究桩锚支护变形的有效方法.本文根据基坑坡顶的水平位移与竖向位移、周边建筑物的沉降数据,讨论了在桩锚支护下基坑降水以及锚索施工对基坑坡顶位移和周边建筑物沉降的影响,并利用统计方法对坡顶的水平位移和竖向位移进行了相关性分析,最后借助PLAXIS 3D有限元软件对基坑开挖进行数值模拟.实测数据以及模拟结果表明:基坑降水对坡顶的竖向位移、周边建筑物沉降影响较大;同时锚索施工也会对基坑坡顶竖向位移、周边建筑物沉降产生一定的影响;基坑坡顶水平位移和沉降呈现非线性关系;数值模拟与实测结
【摘要】园林的设计以及建造对于构建宜居的人居环境具有重要意义,从保护资源环境、建设地区景观等方面探讨生态修复技术在现代滨水园林建设中的应用,在具体的实施上具有多元目标,以生态环境修复做为导向进行滨水景观设计规划,强调的是生态修复方法,重塑自然水体。  【关键词】生态修复技术;现代滨水园林;应用  中图分类号: TU986 文献标识码: A  一前言  国民经济持续、快速的发展,民众更加重视生活质量