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社区是聚居在一定地域内的人群的生活共同体。以社区为单位形成治安板块控制,是维护社区治安的有效途径。国有大中型企业是社区的重要组成部分,在社区治安板块控制中有着不容忽视的地位和作用。那么,国有大中型企业如何积极参与社区治安板块控制,充分发挥自己应有的作用呢?笔者以为,可从以下几个方面进行探索和实施。一、改变企业被动从属的治安工作格局,积极介入社区治安综合治理领导机构,在社区治安工作中充当“龙头老大”。企业的治安工作,特别是防范工作,历来习惯于听从上级机关和公安部门的指示,指令,缺乏主动性,更谈不上有什么创造性。在社会主义市场经济条件下,企业的治安保卫工作,可分内、外两部分。对内,应将综合治理工作列入企业发展的总体规划,以“两重”(重点人口、重点部位)为中心,开展治安防范管理和考核工作,紧密结合企业个体性质和状况,摸索出一套具有本企业特色的治安管理模式。对外,企业领导必须在地方社区治安综合治 Communities are communities of life for people living in certain areas. Community-based units to form a public security control, is an effective way to maintain public order in the community. Large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises are an important part of the community and have a place and role that can not be ignored in the control of public order in the community. So, how can state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises take an active part in the control of community public security and give full play to their due role? I think that we can explore and implement from the following aspects. First, change the enterprise’s passive and subordinate public security work pattern, and actively intervene in the leading body for the comprehensive management of public order in the community and act as the “boss” in the public order in the community. Enterprise public security work, especially precautionary measures, has always been accustomed to obey the instructions and instructions of higher authorities and public security departments, lack of initiative, let alone what creativity. Under the conditions of a socialist market economy, the work of public security in enterprises can be divided into two parts, internal and external. Internally, comprehensive management should be included in the overall planning of enterprise development, with “double” (key population, key parts) as the center, to carry out prevention and management of public security and assessment work, in close connection with the nature and status of individual businesses to explore Out of a set of the characteristics of public security management model. External, business leaders must be in a local community comprehensive law and order
【摘要】教师是课程的实施者,教师是课程改革的主力军。目前我国正在试行的国家,地方、学校三级课程管理制度,提高了课程的选择性与适应性,为广大教师踊跃参与校本课程开发研究,形成共识:农村小学校本课程的开发以更新课程观念为前提,以学校办学特色为特色,以校本教研为裁体。  【关键词】校本课程开发 前提特色 载体  【中图分类号】420  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1006-5962(2012)08(
文[1]用纯几何的方法证明了斯特瓦特定理,笔者对其通过构造三角形的外接圆,以及作出两对等角进而使命题获得证明的方法表示由衷地赞赏.赞赏的同时也引发笔者深深地思考,有无更为简洁的方法?几经探究,发现用勾股定理可以简洁、巧妙地证明斯氏定理.  斯特瓦特定理如图1,P为△ABC底边BC上任意一点,则AB2·PC+AC2·BP=AP2·BC+BP·PC·BC.  分析待证结论是非常规形式,注意到待证式两边