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祖国医学中所称的附骨痈、疽,即现代医学中的急、慢性化脓性骨髓炎,是骨伤科中最常见的感染性疾患之一。对其治疗,目前尚缺少有效而简便的方法。我院骨伤科采用中药散剂消疽散(由白矾、冰片等中药组成),对患该病的376例急慢性患者,以外敷患处,进行临床疗效观察,痊愈率达92.6%(348例),好转率为7.4%(28例),疗效显著。为了从对有关病原性细菌有无影响这一侧面来阐明该药的治疗原理,特进行了本项实验。兹将初步结果报告于下。实验材料一、药液:1.消疸散系由本院药厂生产。2.取该药20g,加入100ml 蒸馏水中摇匀,放入37℃水温箱中浸渍20小时。3.将该药液以3000转/分离心沉淀25分钟,吸取上清液。4.将所得上清液经 G4过液器真空抽滤,滤液浓度为1∶5。5.用无菌1N 碳酸氢钠液调整 PH 值至6.0以上,保存在4℃冰箱中备用。二、菌种培养及稀释:1.采用本实验室保 The bone and tendon sputum, which is called in the Chinese medicine, is acute and chronic suppurative osteomyelitis in modern medicine. It is one of the most common infectious diseases in orthopaedics. For its treatment, there is currently no effective and simple method. The Orthopaedics Department of our hospital used traditional Chinese herbal medicine powder Xiaoyasan (composed of Chinese herbal medicine such as peony and borneol). Clinical and curative effects were observed in 376 cases of acute and chronic patients suffering from the disease. The cure rate was 92.6% (348 cases). The improvement rate was 7.4% (28 cases) and the curative effect was significant. In order to elucidate the therapeutic principle of the drug from the side of its influence on pathogenic bacteria, this experiment was conducted. The preliminary results are reported below. Experimental Materials First, the liquid: 1. Xiaoyu powder system produced by the hospital. 2. Take 20g of the drug, add 100ml of distilled water to shake it, and dip for 20 hours in a 37°C water thermostat. 3. The solution was centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 25 minutes and the supernatant was aspirated. 4. The resulting supernatant was vacuum filtered through a G4 liquid with a filtrate concentration of 1: 5. 5. Adjust the pH to 6.0 with sterile 1 N sodium bicarbonate solution and store in a 4°C freezer. Second, strain culture and dilution: 1. Use this laboratory
海龙蛤蚧精为中药保健品,放置短时间就有沉淀析出,使药液浑浊,本文采用转溶时调整含醇浓度及调整药液pH值,使药液澄明度得以保持稳定。 Hailong wolfberry extract is a tra
本文报道了位于云南西北隅的怒江傈僳族自治州凤凰山的47种药用植物,并对民族医药的整理发掘和药用植物资源的保护提出了建议。 This paper reports on 47 medicinal plants
贵刊1987年第8期所刊登的《中药炮制的新辅料——药末》一文,把中药材在筛选过程中所得到的副产物——药末,当作辅料应用,并提出了自己的观点。笔者有下述不同看 The artic