坚持以人为本 提高五种能力

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党委办公室处于决策的前沿,面对新形势、新任务,党委办公室工作人员要创造性地开展工作,更好地服务领导、服务基层、服务群众,应当在提高“五种能力”方面下功夫:一是强化提高设谋能力。党委办公室工作人员作为领导的智囊和参谋,要当好参谋助手,提供优质服务,就必须站在全局的高度上去想问题,办事情。要有“从大处着眼,从小处着手”的气魄,把办公室千头万绪的工作、纷繁复杂的事务梳理好,突出抓好关乎全局的中心工作、领导关注的重要事情、群众关心的热点问题。要强化意识超前。力求谋略设在前头,功夫下在前头,预案拿在前头。平时多深入实际、深入基层、深入群众,围绕党委的中心工作,围绕基层和群众关注的热点问题展开调研,掌 Party committees and offices are at the forefront of decision-making. In the face of new situations and new tasks, Party committee office workers should creatively carry out their work, serve their leaders better, serve the grassroots units and serve the masses. They should work hard to improve “five abilities” : First, strengthen the ability to improve the facilities. As a leading think tank and staff officer, Party committee office staff, who are good helpers and provide excellent services, must think about problems and do things on the basis of the overall situation. It is imperative to have the spirit of “focusing on the big picture and starting from an early age”, combing the complicated and complicated affairs in the office with a multitude of tasks, highlighting the central tasks concerning the overall situation, leading the important issues of concern, and the masses’ concern The hot issue. To strengthen awareness ahead. Seek strategy in the first place, Kung Fu in the first, plan ahead. Usually more in-depth practical, in-depth grassroots, in-depth, the central work of the party committees around the grassroots and the masses concerned about the hot issues of research, palm
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