
来源 :国外医学(临床放射学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangwahaha
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现代放射疗法由于取得显著成就,这种疗法使长期缓解的病人有所增加,对病人观察的时间一般超过3至5年以上。但在长期存活的病人中,晚期放射并发症的病例也有增加,其临床表现常被放射学专家,肿瘤科医生,以及在病人居住地区的其它科医生见到。长期以来,研究工作者对恶性肿瘤放射治疗时心脏血管系统的改变非常重视。这是因为,一方面心脏病往往和恶性肿瘤同时存在;另一方面,当心区包括在照射区时,可能发生并发症。近年来对这个问题引起了洼意,这是由于广泛利用百万伏特放射治疗胸腔内恶性肿瘤,致使深部组织内集中大量放射,从而,使病灶周围的生命悠关器官,包括心脏,肺以及心包在内,具有照射过量的危险。在放射线对心血管系统的影响方面,苏联学者 Due to the remarkable achievements of modern radiation therapy, this kind of therapy has increased the number of patients who have been relieved for a long time, and the observation time for patients is generally more than 3 to 5 years. However, in patients who have long-term survival, there are also increased cases of late radiation complications, and their clinical presentation is often seen by radiological specialists, oncologists, and other physicians in the patient’s area of ​​residence. For a long time, researchers have attached great importance to the changes of the cardiovascular system during the radiation therapy of malignant tumors. This is because, on the one hand, heart disease is often present at the same time as malignant tumors; on the other hand, when the heart area is included in the irradiation area, complications may occur. In recent years, this problem has been caused by arbitrarily. This is due to the widespread use of million-volt radiotherapy to treat intrathoracic malignant tumors, which causes a large amount of radiation to be concentrated within the deep tissues, thereby allowing vital organs around the lesion, including the heart, lungs, and pericardium. Inside, there is a danger of overexposure. Soviet scholars on the effects of radiation on the cardiovascular system
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