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地方政府文化政策制定中回应能力,是指地方政府及其文化行政部门在形成文化政策文本时与社会公众双向互动,对公众合理文化利益诉求作出及时和负责任的反应与回复的能力。主要涵盖认知力、反应力、处置力和调控力。当前,地方政府文化政策制定中回应能力存在认知力缺乏、反应力迟缓、处置力弱化和调控力势微等问题。要从提升公务员个人素养、培育主动进取的回应性行政文化,改善政府主体的认知力;破除体制束缚、明晰职能定位,提升回应行为的精准度;创新地方政府文化政策制定中政府的回应技术,优化政府回应的处置力;转变政府治理方式、引导公众参与,优化地方政府文化行政部门社会链接力四个方面着手提升地方政府文化政策制定中政府的回应能力。 Responsiveness in the formulation of local government cultural policies refers to the capacity of local governments and their cultural administration departments to interact with the public two-wayly when forming cultural policy texts and make prompt and responsible responses and responses to the public’s demands for reasonable cultural interests. Mainly covers cognition, reaction, disposal and regulation. At present, there are such problems as the lack of cognition, sluggish response, weaker handling power and less control power in the formulation of local government’s cultural policies. We should improve the individual literacy of civil servants, foster a responsive administrative culture of initiative and improvement of the cognitive power of the government subject, remove the shackles of the system, clarify the orientation of functions and improve the accuracy of response behavior, and innovate the government’s response technology in the formulation of local government’s cultural policies , To optimize the government’s response capacity; to change the way of government governance, to guide the public participation, and to optimize the social linkages of the local government’s cultural administration departments to improve the government’s response ability in the formulation of local government’s cultural policies.
中枢神经系统 ( CNS)是髓外白血病最多发生部位 ,我院自 1991年以来共收治 110例 ,有 CNS浸润的 34例 ,现分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 诊断标准 :参照血液病诊断及疗效标准 [1
在网络信息时代,新型会计主体的出现、会计核算方法的改变以及人们对会计信息要求的改变使得传统会计假设存在很多局限性,因此迫切需要对此做出相应的创新。 In the era of
11月18日,思科宣布推出Catalyst 2928系列教育专用交换机。作为思科专门针对中国教育市场推出的高性能二层百兆接入交换机,该产品不仅能够为校园网络提供有线与无线统一解决
1 病例报告患者 ,女 ,33岁。发现脐部肿物伴疼痛于 1998年 4月 2 2日入院。体检 :脐部皮肤紫红 ,可触及 3cm× 2 cm大小呈结节状肿物 ,质韧 ,触痛 ( +)。 B超提示脐部腹壁皮