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原告的一辆装运香烟的卡车,在运输途中掉下一箱牡丹牌过滤嘴香烟,被告周某某等五人将香烟拾至附近弄内实施分割。在周主持协商后,其中三人(现无法查找)各得十条,周得十五条,徐某得五条。事发后,当地派出所根据群众提供的线索,当天找到周、徐了解情况。周断然否认此事,而徐当面承认并退还分得的五条香烟。之后,周因违反治安管理条例被公安机关行政拘留,在拘留期内承认上述事实,并将十五条香烟上交公安机关。现原告以返还财物为由起诉至法院。本案案情虽然简单明了,但在审理过程中,却在对被告行为的定性上产生了争议,出现了两种不同的观点: A truck transporting cigarettes in the plaintiff dropped a box of peony card filter cigarettes during transport. The defendant, Zhou Moumou and other five people, picked up the cigarettes near the lane and implemented the partition. In the weeks presided over the consultation, three of them (now unable to find) each have ten, weeks have fifteen, Xu got five. After the incident, the local police station according to the clues provided by the people, find the week, Xu understand the situation. Zhou categorically denied the matter, and Xu personally acknowledged and returned the five cigarettes gained. Afterwards, Zhou was detained by the public security organ for administrative detention in violation of the administrative regulations on public security and during the detention period, he acknowledged the above facts and handed 15 cigarettes to the public security organ. The plaintiff now sued the court on the grounds of returning property. Although the case was simple and clear, during the trial, there was controversy over the qualitative nature of the defendant's conduct. Two different views emerged:
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本文介绍了几种具有新型的实用性并且有发展前途的形形色色的建筑材料,阐述了各种材料的特点,并研究了建筑材料发展的总体趋势。 This article describes several new types
区里的一所重点中学开设示范课,走上教师岗位不到半年的我有幸聆听了其中的一节语文课,感触颇深。  一位衣冠楚楚的老师,一群穿戴整齐的中学生,一间偌大的现代化阶梯教室,一帮所谓教学骨干的看客,两三位摄影拍照的闲人——演绎了当下颇具中国特色的中学公开课。中国各地也无非是这……实在标致极了!  照例是故弄玄虚的导入,接下来便是播放一些不知道是自己制作还是从网上下载下来的幻灯片。我有点坐不住了,在做看客的时
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