布宜诺斯艾利斯地铁是一个由6条线路组成的地下铁道系统,目前正在施工的是B线的延长线,它包括若干个车站,线路的终端是一个大断面的可容4条轨道的停车场,采用新奥法开挖,18 m宽,11 m高。隧道衬砌是由初期支护(钢格栅加喷混凝土)和二次衬砌(喷混凝土)组成,隧道位于地下水位以下10~15 m。另一个隧道也是用新奥法施工,12 m宽,6.4 m高,在地下水位以下20 m。2个地下空间都在地下水
The Buenos Aires subway is a six-lane metro system that is currently under construction for an extension of line B that includes several stations terminating in a large section of 4 tracks Parking, excavation using the new Austrian law, 18 m wide and 11 m high. Tunnel lining is composed of initial support (steel grating plus sprayed concrete) and secondary lining (sprayed concrete), the tunnel is located below the groundwater level 10 ~ 15m. Another tunnel is also constructed using the new Austrian law, 12 m wide and 6.4 m high, below the groundwater level of 20 m. 2 underground spaces are in the ground water