
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redbird_zdc
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最近,各级党政机关积极响应党中央、国务院的号召,陆续组织机关干部下到基层,这不但是密切党群、干群关系的一条重要措施,同时也为进一步推动基层思想政治工作的开展提供了许多有利条件。一是提供了一支素质较高的思想政治工作队伍。一般来说,机关干部都有一定的分析和解决问题的能力。组织大批机关干部下基层,无疑为基层提供了一支素质较高的思想政治工作队伍。二是有利于掌握思想政治工作的主动权。组织机关干部下基层,使机关工作能够从过去主要靠基层提供信息变为直接捕捉信息,从主要靠发文进行间接性指导变为面对面的指导,这样,可以减少中间环节,增强思想政治工作的及时性和主动性。三是有利于增强思想政治工作的针对性。组织机关干部下基层,通过调查研究,广 Recently, party and government organs at all levels have responded positively to the call of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and successively organized cadres down to the grassroots level. This is not only an important measure for closer relations between the party and the masses, but also for further promoting the ideological and political work at the grassroots level Provides many advantages. First, we have provided a contingent of high-quality ideological and political work. In general, the cadres have a certain ability to analyze and solve problems. Organizing a large number of grassroots units under the organs and cadres undoubtedly provided the grassroots with a contingent of high-quality ideological and political work. Second, it is conducive to mastering the initiative in ideological and political work. Organize cadres at the grassroots level so that the work of the government can change from mainly providing information at the grassroots levels in the past to directly capturing information and changing from indirect guidance mainly through hair styling to face-to-face guidance so as to reduce the intermediate links and enhance the promptness of ideological and political work Sex and initiative. Third, it is conducive to enhancing the pertinence of ideological and political work. Organizations under the grassroots cadres, through research, wide
文章以社会主义市场经济对我国社科信息服务业的巨大影响为逻辑起点,分析研究了90年代我国社科信息服务业的方位,探讨了90年代我国社科信息服务业的发展目标与战略。 The article
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