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1982年7月30日至8月6日,中国日本史学会第二届学术讨论会在沈阳举行。来自全国各地的一百余名史学工作者参加了会议。到会的同志一致对日本文部省利用教科书篡改侵华史的行为表示义愤,并通过决议谴责这种行为。会上,按五个分组会分别讨论了以下问题。一、日本古代、中世史分会 1.关于邪马台国的社会性质。有以下几种见解:(1)是具有深刻阶级对立和较为完备的统治机器的国家;(2)是国家的雏型;(3)正处于氏族社会末期的军事民主制阶段,尚未形成国家,应属于部落联盟。持这种见解的同志认为,尽管当时的日本出现了军队,但不一定就是阶级社会的产生,而集体墓葬恰恰是氏族社会存在的标志。主张邪马台国是阶级社会的同志,在“下户” From July 30, 1982 to August 6, 1982, the 2nd Symposium of Chinese Japanese Historical Society was held in Shenyang. Over one hundred historians from all over the country attended the conference. The comrades at the meeting unanimously expressed their indignation over the use of textbooks by Japan’s Ministry of Education and Science to tamper with the history of the invasion of China, and adopted a resolution condemning such acts. At the meeting, the following questions were discussed separately in five sub-groups. First, the ancient Japanese, World History Branch 1. On the social nature of the evil horse and the Taichung. (2) is the prototype of the country; (3) is in the stage of military democracy at the end of the clan society, and no country has yet to be formed; Should belong to tribal alliance. The comrades holding this view hold that although there were armed forces in Japan at the time, they did not necessarily mean the emergence of a class society. Collective tombs were precisely the hallmarks of the existence of the clan society. Advocating that the evil horse and the nation of Taiwan are class comrades in society,
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