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今天,我们以崇敬的心情,报道救灾勇士的事迹。在这场抗灾救灾的斗争中,勇士们在鲜为人知的恶劣环境中顽强搏击——他们冲进寒风最凛冽的旷野,爬上冰冻最严重的山巅,以中国产业工人特有的毅力和意志,以血肉之躯,捍卫了职业的责任与尊严。正是因为有了包括勇士们在内的无数英雄的奋斗,我们才能战胜灾害,我们才能赢得新生活。雪住了,风停了,太阳出来了,平安、祥和的生活重新降临大地。此刻,我们由衷地怀念这些英雄们,由衷地感念他们的牺牲与奉献。让我们向他们学习,向他们致敬!学习勇士们为国家和人民利益而舍生忘死的崇高精神,以他们为榜样,发扬工人阶级特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能奉献的光荣传统,在胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央领导下,为实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标作出新的更大的贡献!此前,中华全国总工会曾两次发文,表彰了周景华等十二位勇士,在我们结稿时,各媒体又陆续报道了一些勇士的事迹,我们对此表示关注,并在适当时机推荐给大家。 Today, we report on the deeds of relief warriors in a revered mood. In this fight against disasters, the warriors fight tough in the lesser-known harsh conditions - they burst into the most cold wilderness and climb the most frozen summits. With the unique perseverance of Chinese industrial workers and Will, to flesh, defend the responsibility and dignity of occupation. It is because of the struggle of countless heroes, including the brave ones, that we can defeat the disaster and that we can win a new life. Snow lived, the wind stopped, the sun came out, safe, peaceful life again come to the earth. At this moment, we sincerely miss these heroes and sincerely miss their sacrifices and dedication. Let us learn from them and pay tribute to them! Study the lofty spirit of warriors sacrificing their lives for the benefit of our country and our people, and take them as an example to carry forward the glorious tradition of working class especially capable of enduring special fighting and sacrifice, Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, we have made a new and greater contribution to the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Previously, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions promulgated two articles in recognition of twelve warriors including Zhou Jinghua, At the time of writing, the media reported one after another the stories of some warriors. We are concerned about this and are recommended to everyone at the right time.
“How long have you been driving without a tail light?”asked the policeman after pulling over a motorist.The driver jumped out,ran to the rear of his car,and g