On the Farm

来源 :英语大王 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nhb
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  On the weekend, Peter and his good friend, Jenny, go to his uncle’s farm. On the farm, they see many animals and plants.
  Peter: Welcome to my uncle’s farm, Jenny!
  Jenny:Wow, what a big farm! It’s my first time to visit a farm. What are they? Are they ?
  Peter: No, they are not . They are .
  Jenny:Ha ha, the are lovely. Look, what animals are eating grass over there? Are they ?
  Peter: Yes, they are. Come on. Let’s go and help my uncle milk the .
  Jenny:Milk the ? It must be interesting!
  Peter: Yes. Riding a on the farm and feeding are interesting, too.
  Peter: My uncle also grows some vegetables on the farm. Look, these are .
  Jenny:Oh ! They are my favourite vegetables. And what are these?
  Peter: Let me see. Oh, they are .
  Peter: ? Do grow under the ground?
  Jenny:Yes, of course. Look at these. Are they ?
  Please choose the correct answers to the questions.
  1. What animals do they see on the farm?
  A. Dogs and cows.
  B. Sheep and cows.
  C. Cats and horses.
  D. Hens and rabbits.
  2. What vegetables do they see on the farm?
  A. Tomatoes and potatoes.
  B. Onions and tomatoes.
  C. Cucumbers and carrots.
  D. Carrots and onions.
  3. What do they do on the farm?
  A. They milk the cows.
  B. They pick apples.
  C. They plant carrots.
  D. They feed the horses.
  4. What are Jenny’s favourite vegetables?
  A. Onions.
  B. Tomatoes.
  C. Potatoes.
  D. Carrots.
  5. Who likes eating onions?
  A. Peter.
  B. Jenny.
  C. Peter and Jenny.
  D. Peter’s uncle.
  (answers in the next magazine)
  Look at the picture on Page 32. Can you write a dialogue(对话) or a composition(作文) about the farm? Give it a try(尝试)!
摘要:笔者尝试趣味性优化教学法,讲究实效性,总结一套教学方式,使学生对英语兴趣倍增,增强了学习自信心和自觉性,扩大了知识面,又提高了英语水平和素质,为今后学业的更好发展打下了坚实的基础。  关键词:趣味性;优化教学;快乐  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)18-033-2  教育家孔子说过:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”可见,兴趣的高低直接影响
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