Plasticity of Regulation of Mannitol Phosphotransferase System Operon by CRP-cAMP Complex in Vibrio

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong583
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Objective The complex of the cyclic AMP receptor protein(CRP) and cAMP is an important transcriptional regulator of numerous genes in prokaryotes.The transport of mannitol through the phosphotransferase systems(PTS) is regulated by the CRP-cAMP complex.The aim of the study is to investigate how the CRP-cAMP complex acting on the mannitol PTS operon mtl of the Vibrio cholerae El Tor biotype.Methods The crp mutant strain was generated by homologous recombination to assess the need of CRP to activate the mannitol PTS operon of V.cholerae El Tor.Electrophoretic mobility shift assays(EMSA) and the reporter plasmid pBBRlux were used to confirm the role that the CRP-cAMP complex playing on themannitol PTS operon mtl.Results In this study,we confirmed that CRP is strictly needed for the activation of the mtl operon.We further experimentally identified five CRP binding sites within the promoter region upstream of the mannitol PTS operon mtl of the Vibrio cholerae El Tor biotype and found that these sites display different affinities for CRP and provide different contributions to the activation of the operon.Conclusion The five binding sites collectively confer the strong activation of mannitol transfer by CRP in V.cholerae,indicating an elaborate and subtle CRP activation mechanism. Objective The complex of the cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) and cAMP is an important transcriptional regulator of numerous genes in prokaryotes. The transport of mannitol through the phosphotransferase systems (PTS) is regulated by the CRP-cAMP complex. The aim of the study is to investigate how the CRP-cAMP complex acting on the mannitol PTS operon mtl of the Vibrio cholerae El Tor biotype. Methods The crp mutant strain was generated by homologous recombination to assess the need of CRP to activate the mannitol PTS operon of V. cholerae El Tor. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) and the reporter plasmid pBBRlux were used to confirm the role that the CRP-cAMP complex playing on the mannitol PTS operon mtl. Results In this study, we confirmed that CRP is strictly needed for the activation of the mtl operon. 5 further experimentsally identified five CRP binding sites within the promoter region upstream of the mannitol PTS operon mtl of the Vibrio cholerae El Tor biotype and found that t hese sites display different affinities for CRP and provide different contributions to the activation of the operon. Confc The five binding sites collectively confer the strong activation of mannitol transfer by CRP in V. cholerae, indicating an elaborate and subtle CRP activation mechanism.
中国反腐:既打苍蝇,也打老虎  事件:  十八大以来,新一届领导人坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,中国反腐进入一个新的高潮。据不完全统计,1年多来,上万名违反中央“八项规定”的
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在戈壁大漠中沉睡了1500年的楼兰,留给人们太多的未解之谜:曾经繁华一时的楼兰为什么会变成这般荒凉?楼兰文明又是如何失落的?他们的后裔如今漂泊在何方? Lost in the Gobi
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