
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dashao1
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长期以来,由于我们的企业坚持贯彻民主集中制原则,使党组织建设有了坚实基础,使企业自身的凝聚力和战斗力不断增强,进而提高了企业的经济效益,产主出了新的创造力和生产力.但是,随着经济建设的发展和现代企业制度的逐步建立,部分企业坚持民主集中制较差,阻塞了民主渠道,挫伤了群众的积极性.如何解决好国有企业在坚持民主集中制上存在的诸多问题,笔者以为重点应放在制度建设上.——党内生活制度.在这方面,我们党内本来已形成有一套完备的规章制度,关键是要建立落实保障措施.党的生活内容,应突出重点,一是经常组织党员学习好党的基本知识和建设有中国特色社会主义的理论,不断增强党性观念,提高政治思想素质;二是要求定期向组织汇报思想工作情况,检查各自履行义务、贯彻执行《党章》、《准则》和党的路线、方针、政策的情况;三是积极开展批评与自我批评,尤其是领导班子对党员要坦诚相见,及时消除误会,化解矛盾,不断提高和养成坚持民主集中制的自觉意识.——议事决策制度.企业党组织和企业行政机 For a long time, our enterprise has persisted in carrying out the principle of democratic centralism and has laid a solid foundation for the party organization construction so that the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the enterprise itself are continuously enhanced, which in turn enhances the economic benefits of the enterprise. productivity. However, with the gradual development of economic construction and the establishment of modern enterprise system, some enterprises adhere to democratic centralism poor, blocking democratic channels, dampened the enthusiasm of the masses. how to solve the state-owned enterprises adhere to democratic centralism in the presence The author thinks that the key point should be placed on the system construction .-- In-party life system. In this regard, the party has formed a complete set of rules and regulations, the key is to establish the implementation of safeguards. , should be focused, one often organize Party members to study the basics of good party and the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and constantly enhance the concept of party spirit, to improve the quality of political thought; the second is required to report regularly to the ideological work of the organization, carry out their inspection Obligations and implement the “Party Constitution” and “guidelines” and the party’s line, principles and policies; third is the plot Criticism and self-criticism, especially the leadership of the party members should treat each other honestly, promptly eliminate misunderstanding, resolve conflicts, and continuously improve and develop adhere to democratic centralism consciousness .-- procedure of decision-making system. Party organizations in enterprises and enterprise administrative machine
兖矿集团有限公司的前身是兖州矿务局。20世纪60年代开发建设,1976 年7月建局;1987年与原兖州煤炭基本建设公司合并;1996年3月,作为全国100户现代企业制度试点单位,整体改制