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目的:分析城乡接合部地区梅毒患者血清标志物检测情况和临床特征,为该地区梅毒的预防和治疗提供参考依据。方法:对地处温州市城乡接合部的鹿城区人民医院和非城乡接合部的永嘉县人民医院2015年年龄区间在16~55岁的门诊和住院患者进行梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集试验(TPPA)、甲苯胺红不加热血清反应素试验(TRUST)、乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)、抗人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体(HIV)和抗丙型肝炎病毒抗体(HCV)测定,查阅阳性患者的电子病历,明确其梅毒分期,并对各数据进行统计比较。结果:鹿城区人民医院TPPA、TRUST、HBsAg、抗HIV抗体、抗HCV抗体阳性率高于永嘉县人民医院,TPPA阳性率差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。两地TPPA阳性率均以26~35岁最高,TRUST阳性率男女性别间差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05),但阳性人数均随着效价的升高而下降。梅毒分期方面,城乡接合部地区显性梅毒比例高于非城乡接合部地区,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:作为城市化进程中的一个特殊区域,城乡接合部地区的梅毒和传染性疾病感染高发,类似地区梅毒的防治需引起足够的重视,应加强宣教力度和预防措施,控制当地传染病疫情,以利于社会和谐。 Objective: To analyze the detection and clinical features of serum markers of syphilis patients in the junction of urban and rural areas, and provide references for the prevention and treatment of syphilis in this area. Methods: The clinical trial of Treponema pallidum granule agglutination test (TPPA) in outpatients and inpatients between the ages of 16 and 55 in 2015 in Yongjia County People’s Hospital located in the junction of urban and rural areas of Wenzhou City and in the non-urban-rural junction of Lucheng District was conducted. TRUST, HBsAg, HIV, and HCV anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) were determined, and the electronic patient records of positive patients were consulted. The syphilis staging, and statistical comparison of the data. Results: The positive rate of TPPA, TRUST, HBsAg, anti-HIV antibody and anti-HCV antibody in Lucheng People’s Hospital was higher than that in Yongjia People’s Hospital. The difference of TPPA positive rate was statistically significant (P <0.001). The positive rates of TPPA in both groups were the highest at 26-35 years old, and the difference of TRUST positive rate between male and female was not statistically significant (P> 0.05). However, the positive number decreased with the increase of titer. In terms of syphilis staging, the proportion of dominant syphilis in urban-rural junction areas was higher than that in non-urban junction areas, with significant differences (P <0.05). Conclusion: As a special area in the process of urbanization, syphilis and infectious diseases in the junction of urban and rural areas are very high. Prevention and treatment of syphilis in similar areas should pay more attention. Propagation efforts and preventive measures should be strengthened to control the epidemic situation of local infectious diseases, In order to facilitate social harmony.
Statistics published earlier this year in the book Reality Is Broken:Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World show that people around the glob
南方朔台湾政论家  1978年,美国著名学者琼斯(James MacGragor Burns)出版了近代领导学的开山之作《领导者》,他在该书里指出,美国自从马丁·路德·金之后,再也出不了有伟大特质的领导人。在他出版该书之后,“没有好领导人”这种观点,即不断在各种著作里反复出现,最近英国《经济学人》杂志甚至有一期以封面故事谈“领导者的缺席”这个课题。  1970至1980年代,多元民主之说兴起,许多