加强医疗服务 适应医改需要——2001年度省级参保职工就医状况分析与思考

来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mnbin000
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现状2001年福建省省级医保参保1070个单位(电力系统、铁路系统除外),共计117158人。省级定点医疗机构23家,全年就医人次为318578次,其中住院发生5240人次,占就医人次数1.64%,参保职工住院发生率为4.47%;门诊313338人次,占就医人次数98.36%,参保职工门诊人均发生2.67次。三级医院的就诊人次190435次,占总就诊数的59.78%,二级医院就诊人次120900次,占37.95%,一级医院为7245人次,占2.27%。全年定点零售药店购药发生28099人次。在住院的5240人次中,三级医院住院4507人次,占住院总人次数的86.01%;二级医院住院发生703人次,占13.42%;一级医院住院就诊的有30人次,占0.57%。在门诊就诊的313338人次中,三级医院发生185928人次,占59.34%;二级医院发生120197人次,占38.36%;一级医院7213人次,占2.30%。从就医情况看,大医院多小医院少。随着医疗保障制度改革的展开与深入,公费医疗独家定点垄断 Status In 2001, 1070 units of provincial-level medical insurance in Fujian province (excluding the power system and railway system) totaled 117,158 people. There were 23 provincial-level designated medical institutions. The annual number of hospital visits was 318,578, of which 5240 were hospitalizations, accounting for 1.64% of hospital visits, 4.47% of inpatient hospitalizations, and 313,338 outpatient visits, accounting for 98.36% of hospital visits. Insured workers outpatients occurred 2.67 times per person. The third-level hospitals received 190,435 visits, accounting for 59.78% of the total number of visits, 120,900 visits to secondary hospitals, accounting for 37.95%, and the level of hospitals was 7,245, accounting for 2.27%. A total of 28,099 person-times were registered at retail drugstores throughout the year. Among the 5,240 person-time hospitalizations, the tertiary hospitals were hospitalized for 4507 times, accounting for 86.01% of the total number of hospitalizations; the secondary hospitals were hospitalized with 703 person-times, accounting for 13.42%; and the first-level hospitals had 30 hospital visits, accounting for 0.57%. Of the 313,338 visits to outpatients, 185,928 were in tertiary hospitals, accounting for 59.34%; 120,197 in secondary hospitals, accounting for 38.36%; and 7213 in primary hospitals, accounting for 2.30%. From the medical situation, there are fewer major and small hospitals. With the development and deepening of the reform of the medical security system, the public medical exclusive monopoly
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