借经济发展优势 促儿童事业发展——城北区儿童发展状况监测分析

来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingfeng44
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儿童是祖国的未来,儿童的生存、保护和发展是提高人口素质的基础。儿童生存环境的改善和儿童事业的发展是未来发展的先决条件,因此,抓好儿童的抚育保健、教育和发展工作,是保证祖国繁荣、强大、民族富裕,社会主义事业兴旺发达的根本措施。“九五”是我国全面实施和完成(九十年代中国儿童发展规划纲要)规定的重要时期,2000年是我国政府对国际社会承诺的各项指标达标年,为检查规划完成状况,98和99年对全区童发展状况实施监测,现对监测状况作如下分析:一、经济增长为儿童发展营造了良好的环境 Children are the future of the motherland. The survival, protection and development of children are the basis for improving the quality of the population. Improving the living environment of children and the development of children’s cause are the prerequisites for their future development. Therefore, grasping the tasks of child care, education and development is a fundamental measure to ensure the prosperity and strength of the motherland, the prosperity of the nation and the prosperity and development of the socialist cause. The Ninth Five-Year Plan is an important period stipulated in the Outline for the Implementation and Completion of China’s Children’s Development in the 1990s. The year 2000 is the target year for our government to promise the international community. In order to check the completion of the planning, 98 And monitoring the status of child development in the region in 1999, the following analysis is made on the monitoring status: First, economic growth has created a favorable environment for the development of children
刮风、下雪及下雨等自然现象如何用英语比较正确、规范地表达出来,很多同学拿不准,归纳如下,供同学们参考。 How natural phenomena such as wind, snow, and rain are exp
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