Love and Learn——From Nwe Scientist By Nell Boyce

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首先,本文的题目就值得玩味一番,它与两个原因修辞格有涉:英语有谚语云live and learn(活到老学不了),作者将live改成了love,新意溢出,这是运用了Parody(仿拟)辞格,另外,它又运用了Alliteration(头韵)。 数十年来,研究人员猜度: animals that could associate food,mates or rivals with external “clues”might havemore reproductive success.(能够将食物、配偶或“情敌”与外界的信息联系起来的动物就具有更多的繁殖成功的机会。) 最终,通过一项有趣的实验,这种“猜度”得到了证实: Hollis trained seven male fish to expect a mating opportunity by turning on a lightjust before exposing them to a female. After 18 days,the males conditioned to react to the light seemed less aggressiveand mated more quickly and more frequently. 更令人惊奇的是: their spawn(卵)she found that they produced 40 times as many young as thecontrol group. 文章过半,我们才知,标题上的Learn原来指:Fish can learn to anticipate sex.这样,本文的标题似可译:爱与学会求爱。 本文的结尾出现:Hollis also suspects that learning to anticipate events may have…其中的suspects与前面一句(Researche First of all, the topic of this article is worth pondering about. It has two reasons for the rhetoric: English has a proverb cloud live and learn (live to learn), the author changed live to love, new spillover, this is the use of Parody (parody) resignation, in addition, it also uses Alliteration (first rhyme). For decades, researchers have guessed that animals that could associate food, mates or rivals with external “clues” might have more reproductive success. The animals that are able to associate food, spouse, or “enemy” with outside information have more Breed opportunities for success.) In the end, through an interesting experiment, this “guess” was confirmed: Hollis trained seven male fish to expect a mating opportunity by turning on a lightjust before exposing them to a female. After 18 days, The males conditioned to react to the light looks less aggressive and mated more soon and more frequently. What’s even more amazing is: their spawn she found that they produced 40 times as many young as the control group. On the title, Learn originally referred to: Fish can learn to anticipate sex. In this way, the title of this article seems to be translatable: love and learning to court. The end of this article appears: Hollis also suspects that learning to anticipate events may have... where the suspects and the previous sentence (Researche
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