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目前,中国一级市场发行的股票基本上可分为两种:公有股和私人股,前者包括了国有股和法人股,后者包括公众个人股和公司内部职工股,为了贯彻以公有制为主体的原则,上海、深圳两个股票市场一开始对公有股转让实行严格限制,可以说近几年来股市二级市场上流通的绝大多数股票为私人股票,而在一级市场占绝大多数的公有股却被“冻结”在流通市场之外,造成公有股和私人股在流通过程中同股不同权,公有股既不能实现资产的流动,也不能实现自身的 At present, there are basically two types of stocks issued in China’s primary market: public stocks and private stocks. The former includes state-owned shares and corporate shares, which include public individual stocks and employee shares within the company. In order to implement the principle that public ownership is the mainstay , Shanghai and Shenzhen, the two stock markets initially imposed strict restrictions on the transfer of public shares. It can be said that the overwhelming majority of stocks circulating in the secondary market of the stock market in recent years are private stocks, while the overwhelming majority of public stocks in the primary market It is “frozen” outside the circulation market, resulting in public shares and private shares in the process of circulation of shares with different rights, public shares can neither achieve the flow of assets, can not achieve their own