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较全面地综述了美国科学家在高性能碳纤维技术发展初期所做的科学技术贡献。碳纤维发明于美国,最早被用作白炽灯的发光体,目前其高端应用主要是航空航天器的结构材料。在将碳纤维应用从灯泡拓展到航空航天器的过程中,原美国联合碳化物公司帕尔马技术中心(Union Carbide Corp.’s Parma Technical Center)的两位科学家在高性能碳纤维技术基础研究方面发挥了奠基作用。该中心罗格·贝肯(Roger Bacon)1958年发现了“石墨晶须(graphite whiskers)”超高强度现象,并于1964年发明了制备高模量碳纤维的“热拉伸(hot-stretching)”高温处理技术;伦纳德·辛格(Leonard Singer)1970年发明了中间相沥青基石墨纤维制备工艺技术。可以说,这三项发现发明开创了碳纤维高性能化发展的科学技术基础。 A more comprehensive review of the American scientists in the early development of high-performance carbon fiber technology made by the contribution of science and technology. Carbon fiber invented in the United States, was first used as a light bulb incandescent, the current high-end applications are mainly aerospace structural materials. Two scientists at former Union Carbide Corp.’s Parma Technical Center played a cornerstone foundation in the fundamental research of high-performance carbon fiber technology in extending carbon fiber applications from light bulbs to aerospace vehicles. effect. The center, Roger Bacon, discovered “graphite whiskers ” ultra-high intensity in 1958 and invented the “hot stretch” method of making high-modulus carbon fibers in 1964 -stretching) "High-temperature processing technology; Leonard Singer invented in 1970 the mesophase pitch-based graphite fiber preparation technology. It can be said that these three discoveries have created the scientific and technological foundation for the development of high-performance carbon fiber.
猪常用饲料中的脂质主要由中性脂肪组成,尤其是甘油三酯(脂肪酸和甘油合成的酯),脂肪酸(Fatty Acids,FA)可分为饱和脂肪酸(Saturated Fatty Acids,SFA),不含双键;单不饱和脂
猪圆环病毒Ⅱ型(PCV2)能够影响猪场中各阶段猪只的生产性能.因此,C Charreyre、 F.Joisel和Henry Too认为,重要的是要保护胚胎、胎儿、仔猪和育肥猪、后备母猪和后备公猪、经
禽曲霉病是一种急性或慢性的呼吸道疾病,由曲霉菌(Aspergillus fumigatus)引起,在少数情况下,腹膜、内脏及全身性损失才会发生.可出现呼吸困难、加快和气喘,有时可听见罗音,