
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willa81
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据统计全世界吸烟人数约有13亿人,每年有490万人死于烟草所引起的疾病,占总死亡人数的1/10,是全球死因的第一位,在数十年后将至1000万人,其中700万分布在发展中国家,占总死率的1/6。1吸烟的危害及原因我国是世界上最大的烟草生产,消费和受害国家,有2.7亿烟民,每年死于烟草相关疾病的人数为100万,如果吸烟状 It is estimated that there are about 1.3 billion people worldwide smoking each year and 4.9 million people die of tobacco-related diseases each year, accounting for one-tenth of the total deaths. They are the number one cause of death in the world and will reach 1,000 in decades Million, of which 7 million are in developing countries, accounting for 1 / 6.1 of the total fatality Hazard and causes of smoking China is the world’s largest tobacco producer, consumer and victimized country with 270 million smokers who die each year The number of tobacco-related illnesses is one million if smoking-like
Chinese medicine has been used in treating pain for a long time.Much progress has been made in studies on the mechanism of the analgesic effect of Chinese medic
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OutlinernThe 3rd Intemational Congress on Complementary Medicine Research(ICCMR 2008)was held on 29-31 March,2008 in Sydney,Australia.More than 550 participant
The 6th National General Congress of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine(CAIM)was convened at 19-20,April 2008 in Beijing.Academician CHEN Zhu,the mini