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今天来的茶客打算对研究性学习“龙门阵”一番,这可是个佐茶的好话题。在他们发表高见之前我先发表一点“低见”。研究性学习的灵魂无疑是创新。因此,它带给我们的观念可能比研究过程更有价值:它真正把教学的落脚点,由教师主体转向了学生主体。研究性学习是科学精神与人文精神的和谐统一。科学精神包括怀疑、批判、求真、宽容等因素,而研究性学习过程中开放、自主和平等的环境,显然有助于形成这种精神。同时,研究性学习没有追求“成果”那样的功利性目的,研究本身就是目的,它追求的是研究过程中学生智慧的燃烧、精神的拓展和心灵的飞翔,这正是我们所期待的人文精神。我同意这种观点:研究性学习不是“新瓶装旧酒”式的“启发式教学”或“发现式学习”。它不是教师启发学生思考,不是教师张开口袋引诱学生往里钻,不是举一反三而是“无中生有”;它不追求科学结构的构建,不是去欣赏现有科学宫殿的美轮美奂,更不是重复前辈科学家的足迹,而是异想天开的精神探险。当然,这决不意味着学生的研究性学习与教师无关。我认为,在研究性学习中,教师既是与学生同行的平等探求者,又是他们智慧的启迪者和方法的指导者。在具体的技术操作上,教师应该怎么指导?———我们还是听听今天这几位老师的发言吧。 The tea guests who are coming today plan to have some research on the “Longmen array”. This is a good topic for Sacha. Before they can express their opinions, I would like to make some “low opinion”. The soul of research learning is undoubtedly innovation. Therefore, the concept it brings to us may be more valuable than the research process: it truly shifts the teaching from the teacher’s subject to the student’s subject. Research learning is the harmonious unity of scientific spirit and humanistic spirit. The scientific spirit includes such factors as suspicion, criticism, truth-seeking, and tolerance, and the environment of open, autonomous, and equal in the process of research-based learning obviously contributes to the formation of this spirit. At the same time, research-based learning does not pursue the utilitarian purpose of “achievements.” Research itself is the goal. It pursues the burning of students’ wisdom, the expansion of spirit, and the flight of the soul in the research process. This is exactly what we expect of the humanistic spirit. I agree with this view: Research-based learning is not “heuristic teaching” or “discovery learning” of “new bottled old wine.” It is not the teacher that inspires the students to think. It is not the teacher who opens the bag to lure the students to drill. It does not mean that it is nothing but an “out of nothing”; it does not pursue the construction of the scientific structure, not to appreciate the beauty of the existing science palace, not to repeat it. The footprints of senior scientists are whimsical spiritual adventures. Of course, this does not mean that students’ research-based learning has nothing to do with teachers. I think that in research-based learning, teachers are both equal seekers who are traveling with students, and they are mentors and instructors of their wisdom. In terms of specific technical operations, what should teachers do?—We still listen to the speeches of today’s teachers.
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