深化殡葬改革 构建和谐殡葬

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殡葬在人类社会生活中占有重要地位。4月4日,我们迎来了首个成为公民法定假日的清明节。清明节始于周代,是祭祖扫墓、缅怀先人、悼念逝者、慎终追远的日子。国务院决定将清明节作为法定假日,体现了党和政府在构建社会主义和谐社会进程中,对人民群众祭奠需求的重视,对非物质文化遗产的保护,对传统文化习俗的尊重。殡葬改革是丧葬习俗领域的一场革命,事关社会稳定与和谐。推行殡葬改革有利于促进社会主义精神文明建设;有利于节约资源,保护环境;有利于减轻人民群众的负担, Funeral and interment occupy an important position in human social life. On April 4, we ushered in the first Ching Ming Festival to become a citizen’s statutory holiday. Ching Ming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty, is ancestors grave, cherish the memory of ancestors, to mourn the dead, and eventually chase the days. The decision of the State Council to treat the Ching Ming Festival as a statutory holiday embodies the importance attached by the party and the government to the needs of the masses in building a socialist harmonious society, the protection of the intangible cultural heritage, and respect for traditional cultural practices. Funeral reform is a revolution in the field of funeral customs, related to social stability and harmony. Carrying out funeral and funeral reforms is conducive to promoting the building of a socialist spiritual civilization; it is conducive to saving resources and protecting the environment; it is conducive to alleviating the burden on the people,
中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛在3日7日上午参加十一届全国人大二次会议广东代表团的审议时强调,要下大气力保增长、保民生、保稳定。 Hu Jintao, general
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