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近年来,我省道路客运事故十分严重,恶性事故时有发生,给人民生命财产带来巨大损失。造成客运事故严重的主要原因,是安全管理上还存在缺陷,对一些地方、部门和企业重效益、轻安全的短期行为制止不力。各级政府和公安、交通部门对旅客运输安全工作必须高度重视、加强管理。现将加强公路旅客运输安全管理有关问题通知如下:一、认真落实企业责任(一)客运企业必须根据自身经营管理特点,采取有效措施落实安全生产责任。各种经营形式(包括承包、租赁、产权转让,合资合作、挂户等)的车辆和驾驶人员均须纳入企业统一安 In recent years, the road passenger transport accidents in our province have been very serious, with serious accidents occurring from time to time, causing huge losses to people’s lives and property. The main reason causing serious passenger accidents is that there are still flaws in safety management and that short-term and light-safety behaviors are ineffective for some localities, departments and enterprises. Governments at all levels and the public security and transportation departments must attach great importance to passenger transport safety and strengthen management. We hereby notify you of the following issues related to strengthening the safety management of highway passenger transport as follows: I. Conscientiously Implementing Corporate Responsibilities (I) Passenger transport enterprises must take effective measures to implement safety production responsibilities according to their operation and management characteristics. Vehicles and drivers in various business forms (including contracting, leasing, transfer of property rights, joint-venture and cooperation, pegging households, etc.) shall be included in the enterprise unified safety
各市人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:根据交通部关于北京至沈阳高速公路联网试点工作要求和《收费公路车辆通行费车型分类》(中华人民共和国交通行业标准 JT/T489-2003)