
来源 :家用电器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mrsouth
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“在所有家电细分品类中,今年至今,热水器行业的表现可圈可点,甚至可说是一枝独秀。在主要大家电品类销售增速放缓、部分细分领域出现负增长的情况下,2016年1-9月,热水器市场仍然保持了相对可观的增长。中怡康预计,2016年热水器市场规模将达到567亿元,同比增速4.2%。”“新常态”中难得的亮点,前景依然看好今年1-8月,在我国家电行业各细分领域中,热水器品类的表现可谓可圈可点,成为“新常态”中难得的亮点,前景依然看好。中怡康数据显示,由于年初寒潮天气席卷全国、下半年房地产市场销售出现较快增长,今年以 “In all sub-categories of home appliances, so far this year, the performance of the water heater industry commendable, or even outshine others.While the sales growth of major appliances slowed down, some of the sub-areas of negative growth, 2016 In the first nine months of the year, the water heater market still maintained a relatively impressive growth, and Zhongyi Kang predicted that the market size of the water heater would reach RMB56.7 billion in 2016, a year-on-year increase of 4.2%. ”The rare bright spot in“ New Normal ” Prospects are still optimistic From January to August this year, in all segments of the home appliance industry in China, the performance of water heater category can be commendable, a “new normal ” a rare bright spot, the outlook is still optimistic. In the Yikang data show that due to the cold wave of the beginning of the year swept the country, the real estate market in the second half sales grew rapidly this year to
我国固体矿产资源储量套改结果通报近日发布。结果显示我国资源储量结构明显呈现“三少三多”特点。历时 4载的这一套改结果分析表明 ,我国资源储量结构储量和基础储量少 ,但
《大头儿子和小头爸爸》这部热播动画片受到很多家长和宝宝的喜爱,你们最喜欢大头儿子、小头爸爸,还是围裙妈妈?大头儿子很可爱,可是,你们觉得他的头是不是太大了?头身比例是不是太夸张了?没错,他只是个可爱的卡通形象,而现实生活中的宝宝,头围是很有讲究的。  一、大头宝宝就聪明吗  ◎头部发育有规律  宝宝的头部发育是有一定规律的,发育最快的时期为出生后的头半年。出生时脑重量约为350克(男较女略重),相