为加强照片档案管理,建立和健全照片档案管理制度,更好地开发利用照片档案信息资源,服务社会主义现代化建设,特制定本规范。 1 主题内容和适用范围本规范规定了照片档案的收集工作,整理程序和保管条件。本规范适用于一般照片档案的管理。 2 引用标准 G B 3792.5—85档案著录规则。 G B 9705—88文书档案案卷格式。 J G J 25—86档案馆建筑规范。 3 名词术语 3·1 照片档案国家机构、社会组织及个人在社会活动中直接形成的,对国家和社会有保存价值的,以感光材料为载体,以影像为主要反映方式,辅以文字叙述的历史记录。照片档案由底片、照片和说明三部分组成。
In order to strengthen the photo archives management, establish and improve the photo archives management system, to better develop and use of photo archive information resources, to serve the socialist modernization drive, formulated this code. 1 Thematic content and scope of application This standard specifies the collection of photo files, finishing procedures and storage conditions. This standard applies to the general management of photo files. 2 reference standard G B 3792.5-85 file record rules. G B 9705-88 File file format. Building Code of Archives. 3 Glossary 3.1 Photo archives State agencies, social organizations and individuals in the social activities directly formed, the preservation of the state and society, the photosensitive material as the carrier, the image as the main reflection, supplemented by narrative history record. Photo files from the film, photos and instructions in three parts.