
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjjcj
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目的观察丙泊酚用于早期人工流产的镇痛效果和安全性。方法早孕并自愿要求无痛人工流产的妇女200例为观察组(丙泊酚组),采用丙泊酚静脉推注实施无痛人工流产。另选200例同期行常规早期人工流产术的妇女为对照组,对照组应用2%利多卡因分别于宫颈3点和9点注射各2ml,再用棉签蘸1ml插入宫颈管2cm,放置2min。观察手术疼痛程度,宫颈松弛度,术中出血情况,手术时间,人工流产综合征发生率等。结果丙泊酚用于早期人工流产有明显的镇痛效果(P<0.01),显效率达100%。宫颈松弛度满意,不影响术中出血,人工流产综合征发生率低,意识消失快,恢复快,不良反应少。结论单纯用丙泊酚静脉全身麻醉,能安全有效地用于早期人工流产术中的镇痛,具有理想的镇痛效果,值得临床推广应用。 Objective To observe the analgesic effect and safety of propofol for early induced abortion. Methods Two hundred and seventy women with early pregnancy who volunteered for painless induced abortion were randomly divided into observation group (propofol group) and propofol intravenous injection for painless induced abortion. Another 200 women who underwent routine early abortion in the same period were selected as the control group. In the control group, 2% lidocaine was injected into the cervix at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock respectively. Each group was then injected with 2ml cotton swab dipped in 1ml into the cervical canal for 2min. Observed the degree of surgical pain, cervical relaxation, intraoperative bleeding, operation time, the incidence of induced abortion syndrome. Results Propofol used in early induced abortion had obvious analgesic effect (P <0.01), and the effective rate was 100%. Satisfactory cervical relaxation, does not affect the intraoperative bleeding, the incidence of induced abortion syndrome is low, rapid disappearance of consciousness, rapid recovery, fewer adverse reactions. Conclusion Intravenous general anesthesia with propofol alone can safely and effectively be used for analgesia in early induced abortion, which has ideal analgesic effect and is worthy of clinical application.
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