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七月的一天,我访问了唐山燕泉啤酒厂厂长李金仓。这位30多岁的年轻厂长,中等身材,对人十分热情,说起话来十分谦虚。在一张英俊的面孔上,一双大眼不时透射出智慧、刚毅、坚定的目光。给人的第一印象,就觉得他是个精明能干的领导者。我们在交谈中,详细地了解了他启动、搞活企业的情况。李金仓,这位36岁的民营企业厂长,在买断企业后的短短二年时间里,就以他特有的胆略和智慧,使唐山燕泉啤酒厂成为了一座与他的名字共映辉的闪光“金仓”。1998年半年时间,实现利税160万元,1999年实现利税470万元,2000年预计又可实现利税1700万元,一年迈出一大步,一步跨上了一个新台阶。唐山燕泉啤酒厂原是丰南市银丰镇的镇办企业,自1987年建成投产以来,到1997年的10年间,曾有几任厂长在这里苦心经营过,啤酒品牌也更换了好几个,但企业一直起伏不定,徘徊不前,缺乏应有的活力。啤酒品牌也没有一个在市场上站稳脚跟。1998年初只好宣告关门停产。 One day in July, I visited Li Jincang, Director of Tangshan Yanquan Brewery. The 30-year-old young factory manager, a medium build, enthusiastic about people, spoke very modestly. In a handsome face, a pair of big eyes from time to time transmitted wisdom, fortitude, firm eyes. Give the first impression, think he is a shrewd leader. During the conversation, we learned in detail about the situation that he initiated and invigorated the enterprise. Li Jincang, the 36-year-old director of private-owned enterprises, took Tangshan Yanquan Brewery to become a company with his name in just two years after he bought his business Glitter “Gold Coffer ”. In the six months of 1998, profits and taxes of 1.6 million yuan were realized, profits and taxes of 4.7 million yuan were realized in 1999, profits and taxes of 17 million yuan were also expected in 2000, a big step was taken in a year and a new step was stepped forward in one step. Tangshan Yanquan Brewery was originally a town-run enterprise in Yinfeng Town, Fengnan City. Since it was put into operation in 1987, several factory managers had worked painstakingly here in 1997 and beer brands were also changed several times However, companies have been volatile, stagnant, lack of vitality. None of the beer brands has a firm foothold in the market. Early 1998 had declared closed down.
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