Remote sensing of sea surface nutrient in the frontal zone of Changjiang diluted water and the Taiwa

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MyEclipse927
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Field investigation was carried out during 4 to 15 April 2001 around the Changjiang River Estuary. The similar distribution of sea surface nutrients and suspended sediment (SS) concentration is attributed to the physical mixing of Changjiang diluted water (CDW) with the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). On the basis of the observed positive relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and SS concentration, the sea surface TP is inversed from satellite SS data. SS is believed to be an ideal eutrophic state assessing index substitution for TP, the eutrophication classification critical value of SS adopted in this research was based on the linear model: cTP=0.000 6cSSsat+0.016 3, r2=0.564 5, n=32. Although lack of in-situ chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) measurement, a good relationship was observed between the in-situ DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) concentration with near real time SeaWiFS absorption coefficient of CDOM (ACD) data: cDIN=1.406 5AACBsat-0.035 9,r2=0.741 5,n=16. This empirical regression algorithm was also utilized for inversing the DIN concentration from SeaWiFS ACD data, and for establishing the eutrophication classification critical value of satellite ACD data. The established remote eutrophication classification system was later used for seawater eutrophic state assessment. The evaluation suggested that the Zhoushan Fishing Ground especially the western border is affected seriously with the nutrient input. The nutrient is mainly from the terrestrial source transported by the Changjiang River runoff. The seawater quality classification precision was assessed by in-situ data, which suggested the seawater quality distribution is similar to the two classification systems, and the remote classification error is below 25%. Field investigation was carried out during 4 to 15 April 2001 around the Changjiang River Estuary. The similar distribution of sea surface nutrients and suspended sediment (SS) concentration is attributed to the physical mixing of Changjiang diluted water (CDW) with the Taiwan Warm Current ( TWC). On the basis of the observed positive relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and SS concentration, the sea surface TP is inversed from satellite SS data. SS is believed to be an ideal eutrophic state assessing index substitution for TP, the eutrophication classification critical value of SS adopted in this research was based on the linear model: cTP = 0.000 6 cSSsat + 0.016 3, r2 = 0.564 5, n = 32. Although lack of in situ chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) measurement, a good relationship was observed between the in-situ DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) concentration with near real time SeaWiFS absorption coefficient of CDOM (ACD) data: cDIN = 1.406 5AACBsat-0.035 9, r2 = 0.741 5, n = 16. empirical regression algorithm was also utilized for inversing the DIN concentration from SeaWiFS ACD data, and for establishing the eutrophication classification critical value of satellite ACD data. The established remote eutrophication classification system was later used for seawater eutrophic state assessment. The evaluation suggested that the Zhoushan Fishing Ground especially the western border is affected seriously with in nutrient input. The nutrient is mainly from the terrestrial source transported by the Changjiang River runoff. The seawater quality classification precision was assessed by in-situ data, which suggested the seawater quality distribution is similar to the two classification systems, and the remote classification error is below 25%.
湘西州位于云贵高原东侧的武陵山区,为湘、鄂、渝、黔四省市交界之地,东临世界遗产地张家界风景区,南靠铁路枢纽怀化市,西接黔渝,北瞻鄂汉,辖一市七县。  湘西是一片神秘的土地。这里,是沈从文笔下谱写的,黄永玉丹青里描绘的,宋祖英歌声中飞扬的神秘之地。莽莽武陵绵延千里,演绎着“湘西赶尸”、“放蛊”、“苗族绝技”等众多奇异事件;悠悠酉水滔滔千年,见证了古城的繁华与衰败;柔软的凤凰古城,被誉为“中国最美的小
摘要:在城市建设和城市绿化高速发展的今天,绿化工程中大树移栽技术也日趋成熟。作者通过多年的园林绿化经验,初步摸索总结出了一套行之有效的大桂花树移栽技术, 下文是对一些移栽技术要点的总结归纳。使用这套技术移栽大桂花树,成活率高,生长态势良好,枝叶茂密,达到了快速成景的园林效果。  关键词:大桂花树移栽技术  1移栽技术要点  1.1移栽季节。移栽大桂花树的时间应选择在初春或深秋,最好无风雨,光照不强
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